• This collection of four "Fractured Parables" presents Jesus' themes of mercy, forgiveness, and stewardship in "The Unmerciful Servant,” “The Prodigal Son,” “The Talents,” and “The Sower." Five detectives: Bond,” “Holmes,” “Watson,” “Colombo,” and “Sergeant Friday” search for Jesus, "The Teacher."
  • This "Fractured Parable" emphasizes the importance of using our God-given resources to increase His kingdom. It is an excellent introduction for a message on stewardship and the rewards for using our gifts to their potential, or the punishment for squandering them.
  • This "Fractured Parable" presents a hilarious retelling of Jesus' parable of the "Sheep and the Goats." Jesus places such extreme importance on ministering to the needy that He puts Himself in the position of the one in need. When we minister to the needy, we ministry to Jesus himself.
  • This "Fractured Parable" presents a hilarious retelling of Jesus' parable of "Lazarus and the Rich Man," in which we are admonished to heed God's warnings to share our worldly goods with the poor. After death, we will be forever sorry that we did not obey the Lord and share our wealth.
  • This "Fractured Parable" is a testimony to God's faithfulness to forgive those who repent and return to Him with a pure heart. It sets up a message on the compassion of God and chastises those who decide that sinners should be shunned, as the "older brother" advises.
  • This “Three In One Skit” presents chaos in traffic, chaos at home, and chaos at work, all set against the background of a calm song that tells us to slow down and quiet ourselves. This skit sets up a series of contrasts between chaos and calm for a sermon on the peace of God.
  • This Three In One Skit on healthy interpersonal relationships, presents a sequence of three scenes in which loud, brassy, over-confident, and presumptuous people are often the losers in life. It sets up a sermon on the merits of meekness and gentleness in the Christian life.
  • Our self-concept in Christ is the topic of this skit, setting up a sermon on spiritual warfare when Satan tries to rob us of our identity in Christ. Grace, an overweight young mother, compares herself to the ideal wife of Proverbs 31, but she is unable to please anyone, least of all herself
  • Anger management is the topic of this skit/sermon set in the "Heart Break Café." The pastor delivers his sermon while having lunch with Carl, who has an anger management problem, which is constantly being tried and tested by the hilarious, yet abrasive, waitress, LaRoue.
  • This “Three In One Skit” illustrates the surprising integrity compromises that Christians sometimes make to “simplify” their workloads. It sets up a sermon on doing what we do "heartily, as unto the Lord," without compromising the ethics of the Christian life.
  • This "Fractured Parable" presents a hilarious retelling of Jesus' parable of the "Wise and Foolish Virgins." The foolish bridesmaid fails to have her dress altered in time for the wedding and learns that there are no “second chances” to be ready to meet the bridegroom, Jesus.
  • "Cindy" chooses the authentic love of "Prince Alarming" over the superficial attention of his twin, "Prince Charming" in this delightful Christian play that retells the story of Cinderella, with a Christian twist. Her authentic love is a testimony to one of the stepsisters, who opens her heart to God as well.
  • In this Christmas skit, Grandpa Beasley is coaxed to come to church by his tiny grand-daughter who reminds him that although Christmas may be for children, “You're a child of God, and you're in His family; you always will be. This skit sets up a sermon on Christmas being for all the children of God.
  • The many roles of motherhood is the theme of this skit. A young woman enters what we think is an OBGYN waiting room, but she is really being fitted for a neck brace to help her balance all the various hats she has to wear. The doctor hands her a success manual: the Bible.
  • This "Fractured Parable" is a humorous depiction of Jesus' challenge to "build" our lives on the "rock" of God's Word. Those who do so are clearly compared to those whose lives crumble under the pressures of life because they chose to build their lives on the "sand" of worldly pleasures.
  • Spiritual health is the topic of this skit/sermon set in the "Heart Break Café." The pastor delivers his sermon while having lunch with Carl, who isn't feeling well and can't figure out why. LaRoue, the waitress, tries to meet his dietary needs with her antics, but falls ridiculously short.
  • This extremely short, humorous skit features two older men who comment about the importance of the offering. This skit sets up a sermon on tithing and being good stewards of what God has given us. All our wealth and wisdom cannot "out-provide" God.
  • This "Fractured Parable" emphasizes the importance of forgiving others, just as God has forgiven us through Christ. It is an excellent introduction for a message on the importance of showing mercy to one another and the result of harboring hatred.
  • These four "Collected Skits" on the theme of being ready for Christ's "second coming," demonstrate the urgency of being ready to meet Jesus at any time, either because our life on earth ends, or because we hear His "Last Trumpet." Excellent for a sermon on "end-times" prophesy.
  • This "Dream Skit" encourages people to re-evaluate their pre-conceived notions about what small groups are like. It sets up a sermon that encourages people to become involved in small fellowship/Bible study groups, sharing life's joys and sorrows, thus fulfilling the law of Christ.
  • Being culturally sensitive to your surroundings for the purposes of evangelism is the topic of this short, humorous skit. Two elderly men sit off to the side and get confused about what those "sneeker-friendly services” are all about. This is a good wake-up call for church growth.
  • In this "rewind skit" two, not-so-mature, elderly Christians claim "Papa" as a dependent on their taxes, although he has been dead for 20 years, and set up a sermon on sanctification vs. hypocrisy: living with integrity, not professing one thing and living another.
  • In this "Rewind Skit" about marriage relationships, Drew gives Nancy what he wants for their anniversary, and Nancy gives Drew what she wants, setting up a sermon on the importance of couples sacrificing some of their own preferences to honor the needs of the spouse.
  • This  Three In One Skit helps people understand that Jesus has come and will come to us first, in the form of a man; second, in the clouds when He comes for His elect; and third, when He comes to be the righteous judge. This trio sets up a sermon on eschatology.
  • Young Bruce is aghast when his Uncle Buzz comes to visit. He is lazy, irresponsible, soaks his relatives for money, and is always looking for entertainment; other than that, he's quite a decent guy for a 40-year old man. This skit is an excellent set up for a youth sermon on responsibility.
  • Unbiased compassion for the lost is the topic of this skit/sermon set in the "Heart Break Café." The pastor delivers his sermon while waiting for a tow truck. He witnesses to LaRoue, the abrasive waitress, much to the horror of his friend, Mike, who does not associate with her “kind.”
  • This “Metaphor Skit” visits Trisha and Bob Bickerson, who exchange the "Crown of Sovereignty" as they bicker about what kind of car to buy. They set up a sermon on "mutual submission" in marriage, making it clear that neither sex has divine permission to dominate.


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