• The Skituations Training Kit provides you with everything you need to begin this life-changing children's ministry program. The Training Kit consists of a Director's Guide, packed with over 30 years of children's ministry administrative wisdom, and a DVD which includes 4 movies: Training Movie, Full-length Skit Movie, Recruiting "Trailer," and a Skituations Library "Tour."
  • This "Fractured Parable" presents a hilarious retelling of Jesus' parable of the "Wise and Foolish Virgins." The foolish bridesmaid fails to have her dress altered in time for the wedding and learns that there are no “second chances” to be ready to meet the bridegroom, Jesus.
  • In this monologue, compromised integrity produces a casualty of lust. The royal conceit of King David leads him to abuse his power and murder Uriah. His justification sets the stage for a sermon on holiness and the surrender of our pride to the power of the Holy Spirit.
  • In this "Metaphor Skit," people uncoil and recoil to visually represent the broken relationships brought about by harsh words spoken from a prideful heart. Words can both build us up and tear us down depending on their intent.
  • "Cindy" chooses the authentic love of "Prince Alarming" over the superficial attention of his twin, "Prince Charming" in this delightful Christian play that retells the story of Cinderella, with a Christian twist. Her authentic love is a testimony to one of the stepsisters, who opens her heart to God as well.
  • In this Christmas skit, Grandpa Beasley is coaxed to come to church by his tiny grand-daughter who reminds him that although Christmas may be for children, “You're a child of God, and you're in His family; you always will be. This skit sets up a sermon on Christmas being for all the children of God.
  • The many roles of motherhood is the theme of this skit. A young woman enters what we think is an OBGYN waiting room, but she is really being fitted for a neck brace to help her balance all the various hats she has to wear. The doctor hands her a success manual: the Bible.
  • In this simple story of a heart-broken little girl, searching for her lost hamsters, we see the "heart" of God who came to earth in a manger to rescue His beloved people. This play is a "storyline" only. It provides a context into which any number of Christmas songs will fit. Create an unforgettable family holiday memory that looks at the why behind Christmas.
  • This "Story Time Theater" provides a delightfully creative venue to help people realize that our free will causes much of our pain, and God is not to blame for our troubles. Two mimes and one Story Lady set up a sermon on the results of our choices and bring out the child in every one.
  • In this Monologue Skit, Carl blames others for his interpersonal relationship problems. He thinks everyone is rotten to the core and that life is unfair. He sets the stage for a sermon on humility, compassion, and seeing people through God's eyes.
  • In 6 ELECTRONIC Skit Packages, and a study of the book of Acts, the children are introduced to the ministry of the Holy Spirit as He empowers the life of the believer. Clem becomes a Christian, and the “fruit,” or results, of the Holy Spirit’s presence in her life, provides opportunities for the children to learn what it means to have “Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Gentleness, Faithfulness, Goodness, and Self-control” in our daily lives.
  • This "Fractured Parable" is a humorous depiction of Jesus' challenge to "build" our lives on the "rock" of God's Word. Those who do so are clearly compared to those whose lives crumble under the pressures of life because they chose to build their lives on the "sand" of worldly pleasures.
  • In this final skit of the series, the "Four Loves" are compared to four contestants on a dating game show. "Agape" wins, but she cannot go alone. She must join with one of the other earthly loves, for any love relationship will become God's perfect love with "Agape." (This skit stands alone.)
  • Spiritual health is the topic of this skit/sermon set in the "Heart Break Café." The pastor delivers his sermon while having lunch with Carl, who isn't feeling well and can't figure out why. LaRoue, the waitress, tries to meet his dietary needs with her antics, but falls ridiculously short.
  • In this monologue, a spiritually exhausted warrior is soothed by God's presence. Elijah cries out to God from his cave, where he is hides in fear, after destroying the Prophets of Baal. He sets the stage for a sermon on answered prayer and the faithfulness of God.
  • Learning how to develop healthy love relationships is the topic of this skit. Carl is in line at the DMV and cannot abide having anyone enter his "personal space." This skit sets up a sermon on "loving others." It is the first step in being "light and salt" in a dark and bland world.
  • This extremely short, humorous skit features two older men who comment about the importance of the offering. This skit sets up a sermon on tithing and being good stewards of what God has given us. All our wealth and wisdom cannot "out-provide" God.
  • In 7 ELECTRONIC Skits Packages, the children learn the meaning of inspiration and God's sovereignty as they explore the importance of prayer and studying the Bible. Zelda discovers that "No," is an answer to prayer too, and that we must learn to trust God. The children are challenged to have a "secret time" with God while reading the Bible, God's inspired "directions to an unfinished job."
  • In 9 skits, the children learn about God's design for family living. Zelda's emotional reaction to her parents' divorce is real, but she learns that the "family of God" will never forsake her. This series speaks to the spiritual needs of single-parent, blended, and traditional families as it provides wisdom for shared responsibility and constant sensitivity in ministering to our own families as believers.
  • This volume of 8 skits highlights Old Testament Heroes, focusing on the trust and obedience that characterized their relationship with God. However, God's power, His unending love, and His faithful forgiveness, make God the ultimate Old Testament Hero! The adventures of each Old Testament hero is mirrored by the characters as they model lives built on trust and obedience to God: A firm foundation.
  • In 10 skits, the children are introduced to the people whom Jesus befriended: Nicodemus, Zaccheus, Peter, the leper, the little children, James and John, the boy with the fish, Judas, and Saul/Paul. The children watch as the characters learn the stories of these people, and all come face-to-face with the same question that is asked of the children in the audience: "Am I a friend of Jesus?"
  • The "Wife of Bath's Tale" is a classic among The Canterbury Tales. In her tale, a knight betrays a maiden, and his punishment is rather odd: he must discover what it is that women want most, and if any maiden on the court disagrees, then, "off with his head!" Will he be saved? Watch and see.
  • This "Fractured Parable" emphasizes the importance of forgiving others, just as God has forgiven us through Christ. It is an excellent introduction for a message on the importance of showing mercy to one another and the result of harboring hatred.
  • These four "Collected Skits" on the theme of being ready for Christ's "second coming," demonstrate the urgency of being ready to meet Jesus at any time, either because our life on earth ends, or because we hear His "Last Trumpet." Excellent for a sermon on "end-times" prophesy.


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