• ELECTRONIC Skit Package 6 - Harvey, Zelda, Clem, and Tina learn that the Bible reveals God's plan for saving the world. Pastor Rufus becomes an example of being true to "the father's plan" when he explains why he can't install a tether-ball pole in a small patch of grass because that is where his own dad wanted to build a greenhouse.
  • ELECTRONIC Skit Package 5 - Harvey learns the meaning of "inspiration" first hand when he asks Clem to help him write his acceptance speech for winning the "Citizenship Award." Zelda plans to "inspire" him, by prompting him with confusing clues during the speech. Pastor Rufus explains that the Bible was "inspired" by God.
  • This “Metaphor Skit” visits Trisha and Bob Bickerson, who exchange the "Crown of Sovereignty" as they bicker about what kind of car to buy. They set up a sermon on "mutual submission" in marriage, making it clear that neither sex has divine permission to dominate.
  • ELECTRONIC Skit Package 3 - Tina and Zelda come face-to-face with their selfishness and prejudice as they learn a lesson about what it means to “…love your neighbor as yourself.”
  • In this ELECTRONIC third Skit Package, Tina and Zelda come face-to-face with their selfishness and prejudice as they learn a lesson about what it means to “…love your neighbor as yourself.”
  • This "Skermon" (skit/sermon) is a living picture of one person's influence on the life path of another. The pastor comments during a freeze in the action as one person moves from the one who influenced him, to the next person whose life he is about to change. The sermon is in three parts.
  • This “Reader’s Theater” skit tells the story of "Peter and John before the Sanhedrin," and introduces a message encourage believers to pray earnestly to God for boldness and protection and never to let anyone silence their preaching and their praise of God.
  • ELECTRONIC Skit Package 6 - Harvey learns that he cannot “run away” from the love of Pastor Rufus even when he forgets to lock up the maintenance shed and all of Rufus’ power tools are stolen. Pastor Rufus forgives Harvey, and celebrates Harvey's return home. Tina gets jealous. Both Tina and Harvey learn to celebrate God’s continual love, just like they enjoy Pastor Rufus’ love, no matter who ran away, or who stayed home.
  • This second skit of four expounds on the “Four Loves,” by explaining that God's "agape" love is a "salty" seasoning that prevents our earthly love relationships from spoiling. God's intends for us to enjoy healthy relationships under the sovereignty of God. (This skit can stand alone.)
  • ELECTRONIC Skit Package 2 - Pastor Rufus gives Harvey, Zelda, Clem, and Tina each a Bible to give to a friend. Rufus repeats Jesus’ challenge in the Parable of the Sower to be “farmers” (sowers) and to plant (or share) the seed (the Word of God) into the soil (hearts) of other people. Tina, Clem, Zelda and Harvey become examples of the four "soils" of this parable.
  • In this ELECTRONIC second Skit Package, Pastor Rufus gives Harvey, Zelda, Clem, and Tina each a Bible to give to a friend.  Rufus repeats Jesus’ challenge in the Parable of the Sower to be “farmers” (sowers) and to plant (or share) the seed (the Word of God)</s
  • This “Reader’s Theater” skit enacts the story of "Stoning of the Apostles," in Acts, Chapter 5, and shows an example of believers who were persecuted for their faith, yet refused to let anyone silence their preaching and their praise of God.
  • Our hope of Heaven is the topic of this emotional skit. Isaac is sad even though he won the soccer trophy because his mom wasn't there to see it. His brother reads him a letter from mom, written just before she died, telling them that she'll be waiting for them in Heaven!
  • In this ELECTRONIC fourth Skit Package, Harvey learns a painful lesson when he refuses to forgive Tina for breaking his one hundred dollar skateboard, even after Pastor Rufus forgives him for breaking the new one thousand dollar stained glass window at the church.  As Pastor Rufus and Bonnie list off the chores Harvey must complete to pay for the window, they make it clear to Harvey that Jesus’ parable of the “Unmerciful Servant” warns us to forgive others; otherwise, why should God forgive us when we sin?
  • ELECTRONIC Skit Package 7 - Zelda and Harvey make some very bad choices that get them kicked out of school and placed on “suspension.” They learn that lives built on “sand” will not survive when the “storms of life” come, but lives build on the “rock” will survive life’s troubles because God is with those who obey His Word.
  • In this ELECTRONIC seventh Skit Package, Zelda leads Tina and Harvey into making some very bad choices that get them all into serious trouble. When they sneak out of the dentist’s office to get an ice cream cone instead of getting their teeth cleaned, they discover what happens when they make “sandy choices” (selfish, disobedient choices) instead of “rocky choices” (choices that please God)
  • In this short skit on church leadership, Joe discovers that God's presence is the most significant contribution to any team. God's power carries out His vision through people, and His strand is the most significant in Ecclesiastes 4:12. (Third of three skits, but it can stand alone.)
  • In this DOWNLOADABLE first Skit Package, the children discover the reason why Jesus taught in parables, simple stories that explain complex truths.   When Zelda is put on restriction for lying, she has a hard time understanding her mom’s complicated note, but when Bonnie, Harvey and Tina’s mom, tells Zelda the story of “The Girl Who Cried Wolf,” Zelda realizes the importance of telling the truth. Pastor Rufus helps them all understand that Jesus’ parables are “earthly stories with Heavenly meanings.”
  • Skit Package 7 - Harvey, Zelda, Clem, and Tina provide an excellent illustration of what happens when kids don't do their jobs. Pastor Rufus helps the children see that doing their jobs as if they were doing them for God, makes others, and God happy!
  • This "Choral Reading" is a particularly effective as a way to present the scripture reading of Matthew 7: 7-11, celebrating God's eagerness to give us the desires of our hearts. It is a captivating opening for a sermon on God's love and our role in surrendering control and inviting Him into our lives.
  • This "Metaphor Skit" follows the misadventures of Bob Stufflemire as he shops for things he can't afford. Each time he makes a purchase, a chain is slipped onto his body, until he cannot move. The pastor unwraps Bob and "shows" the audience that bad financial decisions "chain" us up.
  • This "Skermon" (skit/sermon) is a picture of what hatred does. Mike's friends help him justify his anger toward his brother-in-law over a bad investment deal. Each one leaves bad advice and a chain, until Mike can hardly move. A sermon on forgiveness follows as the pastor un-chains him.


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