The Power of Prayer – (Electronic)


This “Reader’s Theater” skit tells the story of “Peter and John before the Sanhedrin,” and introduces a message encourage believers to pray earnestly to God for boldness and protection and never to let anyone silence their preaching and their praise of God.


This “Reader’s Theater” skit enacts the story of “Peter and John Before the Sanhedrin,” while the text is read by a narrator. In this story, Peter and John are called before the Sanhedrin after they heal the crippled beggar in Jesus’ name. They order them to be silent about this Jesus because too many people are beginning to believe on the name of Jesus. Peter and John are undaunted in their praise of God, and the believers join them in a triumphant declaration of the power of God.

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Additional information

Dramatic Category

Reader's Theater


Acts 4


The power of prayer


Youth and adult


5 men, 5-11 women


6-8 minutes


Reader's Theater captivates audiences, Puts biblical truth into a contemporary context, Excellent for a sermon on boldness, witnessing, courage, trust, or prayer, Electronic Script – No Shipping Required!


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