• This "dream play" speaks to every person's search for significance. It follows the adventures of a new Christian, "Lost" who becomes "Found," then learns from her "Teacher," the importance of helping one "Lost" person at a time, to become "Found." She stands in awe at the simplicity of God's high call to obedience and evangelism.
  • This collection of four "Fractured Parables" presents Jesus' themes of mercy, forgiveness, and stewardship in "The Unmerciful Servant,” “The Prodigal Son,” “The Talents,” and “The Sower." Five detectives: Bond,” “Holmes,” “Watson,” “Colombo,” and “Sergeant Friday” search for Jesus, "The Teacher."
  • "Cindy" chooses the authentic love of "Prince Alarming" over the superficial attention of his twin, "Prince Charming" in this delightful Christian play that retells the story of Cinderella, with a Christian twist. Her authentic love is a testimony to one of the stepsisters, who opens her heart to God as well.
  • In this simple story of a heart-broken little girl, searching for her lost hamsters, we see the "heart" of God who came to earth in a manger to rescue His beloved people. This play is a "storyline" only. It provides a context into which any number of Christmas songs will fit. Create an unforgettable family holiday memory that looks at the why behind Christmas.
  • The "Wife of Bath's Tale" is a classic among The Canterbury Tales. In her tale, a knight betrays a maiden, and his punishment is rather odd: he must discover what it is that women want most, and if any maiden on the court disagrees, then, "off with his head!" Will he be saved? Watch and see.
  • These four "Collected Skits" on the theme of being ready for Christ's "second coming," demonstrate the urgency of being ready to meet Jesus at any time, either because our life on earth ends, or because we hear His "Last Trumpet." Excellent for a sermon on "end-times" prophesy.
  • This “Three In One Skit” deals with being ready to meet Jesus and refers to the core values of real Christians who choose compassion over judgment, love over tyranny, and integrity over compromise. This skit sets up a sermon on the "heart attitude" which identifies true believers.
  • These four "Collected Skits" are on the theme of fruitful Christian living: stewardship, holiness, love, and hope. Together, these skits combine to show four areas of life that God intends to govern, as well as, bless when we submit and obey His commands. This is excellent for a sermon on the Christian life.
  • "Everyman" centers around the inevitable foe, Death, who comes for Everyman (the Jester). After all his companions forsake him, he stands with Jesus, to face eternity.
  • "Cyrano" is the story of unrequited love. Cyrano de Bergerac writes the words for the gallant young Christian who has stolen Roxanne's heart. Will Roxanne chose Cyrano or Christian? The answer is in the poetry of the play.
  • The Second Shepherd's Play is the story of four shepherds who find that their comrade, Mak, is a sheep thief. They catch him in the act and are about to hang him, when suddenly the sky fills with angels who announce the birth of the Prince of Peace. How can they hang him now! Will they?
  • This surrealistic "dream play" creates a visual picture of "growing up," in a child's mind, by connecting good choices to stepping up the ladder and bad choices to sliding down it. It is an excellent tool to show children the results of their choices and makes a wonderful outreach into the public schools for youth groups.


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