God, Look!


This “dream play” speaks to every person’s search for significance. It follows the adventures of a new Christian, “Lost” who becomes “Found,” then learns from her “Teacher,” the importance of helping one “Lost” person at a time, to become “Found.” She stands in awe at the simplicity of God’s high call to obedience and evangelism.


“God, Look!” is the inspiring story of “Lost” who becomes “Found” when a “Teacher” shares the good news of the Gospel with her. Overwhelmed with the desire to please God, who did so much for her, our newly-found Christian begins her quest to discover what it is that pleases the heart of God the most.

Her teacher leads Found on a journey and helps her understand the ever-increasing expressions of her faith. “Surely there could be nothing that pleases God more than this,” she comments around each new turn in the road. She encounters the temptation of surrounding herself with the symbols of righteousness in “Outward Show”; with benevolent service in “The Body of Christ”; with a life of integrity in “Good Deeds”; and finally, with an exuberant expression of her love and talent in “Public Ministry.” Each time her patient teacher answers, “Yes, this pleases God, but there is more.”

To Found’s dismay, her teacher leads her right back to where he met her, only to discover another “Lost” soul. Surprised, Found cries out “I want to please God, not this man!”  Teacher puts all our all our attempts at pleasing God into perspective as he calmly states, “How can you say you love God, whom you have not seen, if you do not love your brother whom you have seen?” He challenges Found to become a Teacher herself and begin the cycle again by helping this Lost one to become Found.

“God, Look!” is a one-hour, “Christian Play” written to answer the question, “What is it that pleases God the most?” Few people ask themselves this question because the consumer mindset has left most Christians in the gentle “comfort zone” of the church pew where they are blissfully lulled into celestial fantasies as the organ melodiously pipes, “Nearer My God To Thee.” They seem oblivious to the real issue: Christianity is a job description, not merely an affiliation!

This powerful message on personal evangelism is a one-hour Christian play the entire family will enjoy. “God, Look!” is excellent for Sunday mornings or evenings, midweek Bible studies or a potluck dinner theater. It is excellent for retreats and touring companies as well.

This is NOT an electronic script.
We will mail you the script, music, and DVD in a notebook.

Additional information

Weight 2 lbs
Dramatic Category

Christian Play


Mathew 9: 37


One-to-one evangelism


Adult and youth


15-30 people


1 hour


A look at the importance of one-to-one evangelism, Presents a compelling case for the value of each individual before God, Excellent for a sermon on evangelism, compassion, obedience, repentance, works, faith, or service