• In 7 skits, the children uncover the profound wisdom contained in the book of Proverbs. While at a family camp, the characters are exposed to God's truth regarding: "God and man," "wisdom," "fools," "sluggards," "words," "friends," and "the family." God's wisdom is contrasted with human foolishness, and Zelda becomes a Christian, only after her selfish, foolish motives are exposed.
  • In 5 skits, the children learn what the "beautiful attitudes" expressed in the "Beatitudes" really mean. Harvey learns that the peacemakers truly are blessed and persecuted. He also discovers what it feels like to "hunger and thirst" for righteousness. Zelda learns how important it is to be gentle, and all the characters "mourn" their sinful nature and are grateful that Jesus is their Savior.
  • In 9 skits, the children learn what a missionary does as they watch Clem and her family prepare to go to the mission field. The "call," the emotional leaving, the home "support team," the letters, and the joys and pains of missionary work all challenge the cast and children to actively serve God. Tina learns that you don't have to leave home to be a missionary when she leads her friend to Lord.
  • This "dream play" speaks to every person's search for significance. It follows the adventures of a new Christian, "Lost" who becomes "Found," then learns from her "Teacher," the importance of helping one "Lost" person at a time, to become "Found." She stands in awe at the simplicity of God's high call to obedience and evangelism.
  • This collection of four "Fractured Parables" presents Jesus' themes of mercy, forgiveness, and stewardship in "The Unmerciful Servant,” “The Prodigal Son,” “The Talents,” and “The Sower." Five detectives: Bond,” “Holmes,” “Watson,” “Colombo,” and “Sergeant Friday” search for Jesus, "The Teacher."
  • This "Fractured Parable" emphasizes the importance of using our God-given resources to increase His kingdom. It is an excellent introduction for a message on stewardship and the rewards for using our gifts to their potential, or the punishment for squandering them.
  • This "Fractured Parable" presents a hilarious retelling of Jesus' parable of the "Sheep and the Goats." Jesus places such extreme importance on ministering to the needy that He puts Himself in the position of the one in need. When we minister to the needy, we ministry to Jesus himself.
  • This "Fractured Parable" presents a hilarious retelling of Jesus' parable of "Lazarus and the Rich Man," in which we are admonished to heed God's warnings to share our worldly goods with the poor. After death, we will be forever sorry that we did not obey the Lord and share our wealth.
  • This third skit of four expounds on the "Four Loves" by portraying the quality of agape love practiced over a lifetime. The continuous cast has become senior citizens, and each one is more eager to help the other than to meet his own needs. (This skit can also stand alone.)
  • This "Fractured Parable" is a testimony to God's faithfulness to forgive those who repent and return to Him with a pure heart. It sets up a message on the compassion of God and chastises those who decide that sinners should be shunned, as the "older brother" advises.
  • This “Three In One Skit” presents chaos in traffic, chaos at home, and chaos at work, all set against the background of a calm song that tells us to slow down and quiet ourselves. This skit sets up a series of contrasts between chaos and calm for a sermon on the peace of God.
  • This Three In One Skit on healthy interpersonal relationships, presents a sequence of three scenes in which loud, brassy, over-confident, and presumptuous people are often the losers in life. It sets up a sermon on the merits of meekness and gentleness in the Christian life.
  • Our self-concept in Christ is the topic of this skit, setting up a sermon on spiritual warfare when Satan tries to rob us of our identity in Christ. Grace, an overweight young mother, compares herself to the ideal wife of Proverbs 31, but she is unable to please anyone, least of all herself
  • In 8 ELECTRONIC Skit Packages, the children learn just what it means to live the new life as a Christian in their relationships with brothers and sisters, with parents, with bullies at school, and with their friends. They are relieved to learn that they don't have to make these changes alone because God has sent the Holy Spirit to be their helper!
  • In 5 ELECTRONIC Skit Packages, Harvey learns how to grow in his relationship with God. Through reading the Bible, God's book of directions, he learns that God promises to help him through hard times if he prays. He rejoices in the promise of forgiveness, discovers that he is part of the Bride of Christ, the Church, and learns that sharing the good news of God's love with others is the greatest gift of all!
  • In 5 skits, the children take an in-depth look at five of God's promises: Eternal life, answered prayer, the power of the Holy Spirit, forgiveness, and His faithful presence in every moment of our lives. The characters experience the peace that comes when we understand what God has promised to those who live for Him, and trust Him.
  • In 5 ELECTRONIC Skit Packages, the children experience the basics of Christianity. Together with Harvey, they learn that God shows His love for us in so many wondrous ways, yet we continue to sin. They are challenged to love God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love their neighbors as they love themselves. Harvey accepts God's offer of salvation, becomes a Christian, and begins his personal journey with Jesus.
  • In this Christian Drama Monologue, the Samaritan Woman laments her deep disappointment caused by relationship problems, and sets the stage for a sermon on the meaning of life, which only comes when we follow Jesus and find true love through the "living water."
  • Anger management is the topic of this skit/sermon set in the "Heart Break Café." The pastor delivers his sermon while having lunch with Carl, who has an anger management problem, which is constantly being tried and tested by the hilarious, yet abrasive, waitress, LaRoue.
  • Remaining spiritually focused on Christ at Christmas is the theme of this skit. At church, poor Cindy barely gets the Christmas story read. Her cell phone rings, her son switches car keys, and her other two kids announce that the Christmas tree fell through the window.
  • In 7 ELECTRONIC Skit Packages, Tina helps everyone understand that a "parable" is "an earthly story with a heavenly meaning," and 6 of Christ's parables are retold using current situations with which today's children can identify.
  • Counting your "spiritual blessings" is the theme of this skit. Frank wins the 6 million dollar lottery, but all he sees is high taxes and parasite relatives. Like Frank, we dwell on the negatives in life and forget that we are "spiritual millionaires," saved by the grace of God's love.
  • This “Three In One Skit” illustrates the surprising integrity compromises that Christians sometimes make to “simplify” their workloads. It sets up a sermon on doing what we do "heartily, as unto the Lord," without compromising the ethics of the Christian life.
  • In 6 skits, the children learn that worshiping God is an awesome privilege. Worship is explained as something we can do in a variety of ways (singing, praying, tithing, etc.), no matter what happens in our lives, we can worship God in the good and the bad times. Harvey discovers that worshiping God is a lifestyle, and that his body is a "temple" of the Holy Spirit.


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