• Evangelism in the workplace is the topic of this Skermon (skit/sermon). Three employees torment their co-workers with the Gospel; one with spiritual advice, another with tracts, and another with "holy email." The pastor comments throughout during freezes or at the end as all freeze.
  • ELECTRONIC Skit Package 8 - Tina gets into trouble because she decides to hang out with troublemakers. Pastor Rufus explains that Christians have values that make us stand out from the rest of the world, and we must not compromise those values.
  • The Second Shepherd's Play is the story of four shepherds who find that their comrade, Mak, is a sheep thief. They catch him in the act and are about to hang him, when suddenly the sky fills with angels who announce the birth of the Prince of Peace. How can they hang him now! Will they?
  • ELECTRONIC Skit Package 1 - After a power-outage, Rufus explains that the Holy Spirit is the third part of God that gives believers the power to live victorious Christian lives. Clem becomes a Christian and learns that the Holy Spirit will help her produce "fruit" (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, goodness, and self-control) that will show others that she is a Christian.
  • This "Dream Skit" presents a beautiful portrait of a man who professes outward holiness, but the outward picture changes as the inward man compromises his integrity. This eerie portrait reverses when the man repents and sets up a message on unfailing Christian integrity.
  • This "Choral Reading" is a particularly effective as a way to present the scripture readings that list the names of Jesus Christ found in the Old and New Testament. It is a captivating opening for a sermon that educates and inspires the audience about the profound and symbolic names of Jesus.
  • This “Christian Mime Theater” skit portrays those who “accept” the invitation of God to join His banquet (life in Christ) as well as those who "reject” it, for their own weak reasons. This pantomime paints a visual picture, and sets up a message on salvation and free will, through a contemporary lens.
  • This "Story Time Theater" provides a delightfully creative venue for stressing the importance of reading the "directions," God’s word, so we can conform to His ideal and not make a "mess" of our lives. Two mimes and one “Story Lady” set up a sermon on obedience and bring out the child in everyone.
  • In this Monologue Skit, Solomon laments the emptiness of wealth, lust, and power; all of which lead to vanity. He sets up a sermon on the dangers of turning wealth, status, and physical pleasure into idols. Spiritual hunger is only satisfied by a Christian life wholly devoted to God's priorities.
  • ELECTRONIC Skit Package 1 - The children will learn that there is a better way to calm the anger of a bully than fighting back: Treat them kindly and pray for them, if it is safe to do so. This advice from Jesus puts out the "fire" of anger.
  • ELECTRONIC Skit Package 4 - Pastor Rufus teaches the children to ask God to help them get the fire of anger with their brothers and sisters “WET” by doing good when they have been treated badly, and setting a good example of what it means to have a new life in Christ.
  • This “Three In One Skit” shows that when we look to our jobs, our relationships, and our possessions to give us personal significance, we will remain forever empty. This “Three In One Skit” sets up a sermon proving that only a life lived in service to God brings us lasting satisfaction.


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