• ELECTRONIC Skit Package 5 - Harvey, Tina, Clem and Zelda get ready for the visit of “The Bride of Christ,” not knowing that they are “The Bride of Christ.” Pastor Rufus explains that Christians are like bridesmaids for each other in that we prepare each other for the groom, Jesus.
  • "Story Time Theater" provides a delightfully creative venue for the telling of the events surrounding the birth of Christ. Two mimes and one “Story Lady” set up a sermon on the incarnation of God, the Christmas story. This refreshing, new method of storytelling brings out the child in every one.
  • This "Choral Reading" is a particularly effective as a way to present the scripture reading surrounding the resurrection of Jesus Christ, from several gospel accounts. It is a captivating opening for an Easter sermon and the ultimate triumph we have over death.
  • This "Choral Reading" is a particularly effective as a way to present the scripture reading of Ephesians 4: 4-7, 11-16, celebrating the "The Body of Christ" working together. It is a captivating opening for a sermon on God's plan for His human family to help each other grow spiritually.
  • ELECTRONIC Skit Package 5 - Harvey learns the meaning of "inspiration" first hand when he asks Clem to help him write his acceptance speech for winning the "Citizenship Award." Zelda plans to "inspire" him, by prompting him with confusing clues during the speech. Pastor Rufus explains that the Bible was "inspired" by God.
  • ELECTRONIC Skit Package 1 - Rufus helps Zelda and Harvey understand that the Bible is God’s book of directions for living, and if we read it carefully, we will live the abundant life that God designed.
  • This "Story Time Theater" provides a delightfully creative venue for stressing the importance of reading the "directions," God’s word, so we can conform to His ideal and not make a "mess" of our lives. Two mimes and one “Story Lady” set up a sermon on obedience and bring out the child in everyone.
  • ELECTRONIC Skit Package 6 - Harvey, Zelda, Clem, and Tina learn that the Bible reveals God's plan for saving the world. Pastor Rufus becomes an example of being true to "the father's plan" when he explains why he can't install a tether-ball pole in a small patch of grass because that is where his own dad wanted to build a greenhouse.
  • This "Choral Reading" is a particularly effective as a way to present the scripture reading of Matthew 5:1-12, celebrating the "beautiful attitudes" of the believer. It is a captivating opening for a sermon on God's abundant blessings in every circumstance of life.


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