Did You Hear Something? – (Electronic)


This “Dream Skit” sets up a sermon on letting go of the past and moving forward with a renewed self-concept In Christ. Chuck is off to a job interview, but the voices in his head keep “down-talking” him until he finally looses his nerve to even try and runs off the stage.


In this “Dream Skit,” Chuck is on his way to a job interview. As he walks from the taxi to the door of the office, he hears voices from his past that convince him that he is not worthy of getting this job.

As he is about to knock on the door, he gives in to the voices of doubt that play in his head, and he runs back toward the taxi.

The sermon follows with a strong message to never let this happen because God has promised that “if anyone is in Christ, he is an new creation”; however, we must choose not to listen to the voices of the past, but rather move ahead in faith.

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Additional information

Dramatic Category

Dream Skit


2 Corinthians 5: 17


Dealing with the past


Youth and adult


1 man


2 minutes


A fanciful look at the power of past failures, Presents a compelling argument for forgetting the past, Excellent for a sermon on new life, fresh starts, self-concept, or being renewed in Christ


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