
Godly Youth!

A man giving a key to a woman.


“Christian Youth Skits and Plays” center on the issues that teenagers and emerging adults face
in today’s challenging and extremely diverse world. These skits deal with a wide range of topics:

  • Seeking God’s will in dating relationships
  • Honoring God through sexual abstinence and purity
  • Facing college and career challenges
  • Establishing a secure God-based self-image
  • Selecting a mate
  • Developing Godly family relationships
  • Prioritizing spiritual values
  • Countering the pull toward materialism
  • Navigating the political arena of peer-pressure
  • The challenges of the single life

All of these areas are artfully addressed. They are sometimes treated with humor and sometimes with heartfelt drama, but always with sensitivity and encouragement for the young person who seeks to live the Christian life with integrity.

A testimony from an InkSpirations user.

Christian Youth Skits and Plays provide very memorable introductions, conclusions, or midway examples for the speaker as he/she presents the sermon at the youth retreat, youth Bible study, or youth ministry gathering. Give your youth drama ministry a firsthand opportunity to link with the youth minister to create a sermon illustration that will compliment any topical or expository sermon.

We’ve listed the scripts from various InkSpirations categories that are suitable for youth ministry gatherings. 


Click on the title of the script to view a detailed description and purchase and download the script. 

  • A cover image for an InkSpirations Christian drama script.

    In A Twinkling

    This “Three In One Skit” deals with being ready to meet Jesus and refers to the core values of real Christians who choose compassion over judgment, love over tyranny, and integrity over compromise. This skit sets up a sermon on the “heart attitude” which identifies true believers.


  • A cover image for an InkSpirations Christian drama script.

    Who’s Gonna Know?

    This “Three In One Skit” illustrates the surprising integrity compromises that Christians sometimes make to “simplify” their workloads. It sets up a sermon on doing what we do “heartily, as unto the Lord,” without compromising the ethics of the Christian life.


  • A cover image for an InkSpirations Christian drama script.

    The Second Shepherd’s Play

    The Second Shepherd’s Play is the story of four shepherds who find that their comrade, Mak, is a sheep thief. They catch him in the act and are about to hang him, when suddenly the sky fills with angels who announce the birth of the Prince of Peace. How can they hang him now! Will they?


  • A cover image for an InkSpirations Christian drama script.

    A Bird’s Eye View

    This Christian play explains the reasons behind God’s mandate for sexual abstinence until marriage, and celebrates God’s forgiveness of those who repent and turn away from sexual sin. It sets up a sermon on God’s plan for sex, as it tells a compelling story through acting, music, and mime.


  • A graphic logo for God, Look!

    God, Look!

    This “dream play” speaks to every person’s search for significance. It follows the adventures of a new Christian, “Lost” who becomes “Found,” then learns from her “Teacher,” the importance of helping one “Lost” person at a time, to become “Found.” She stands in awe at the simplicity of God’s high call to obedience and evangelism.


  • A cover image for an InkSpirations Christian drama script.

    Cindy And The Godfather

    “Cindy” chooses the authentic love of “Prince Alarming” over the superficial attention of his twin, “Prince Charming” in this delightful Christian play that retells the story of Cinderella, with a Christian twist. Her authentic love is a testimony to one of the stepsisters, who opens her heart to God as well.


  • A cover image for an InkSpirations Christian drama script.

    The Heart of God

    This “dream play” explains the reason for God becoming man in the form of Jesus Christ: to speak His truth to us Himself, and to take the punishment that was intended for us so that we may have fellowship with Him in eternity. In the simple story of a heart-broken little girl, searching for her lost hamsters, we see the “Heart of God.”


  • A cover image for an InkSpirations Christian drama script.

    Growing Ups And Downs

    This surrealistic “dream play” creates a visual picture of “growing up,” in a child’s mind, by connecting good choices to stepping up the ladder and bad choices to sliding down it. It is an excellent tool to show children the results of their choices and makes a wonderful outreach into the public schools for youth groups.


  • A cover image for an InkSpirations Christian drama script.

    The Last Trumpet

    These four “Collected Skits” on the theme of being ready for Christ’s “second coming,” demonstrate the urgency of being ready to meet Jesus at any time, either because our life on earth ends, or because we hear His “Last Trumpet.” Excellent for a sermon on “end-times” prophesy.


  • A cover image for an InkSpirations Christian drama script.

    The Four Loves That Shape Our Lives

    These four skits are on the theme of “The Four Loves That Shape Our Lives”: “Eros,” that ignites our passions; “Phileo,” that urges us to develop like-minded loyalties; “Storge,” that cements our family relationships, and God’s “Agape” love, that provides the “light and salt” attitudes and behaviors which keep our three earthly relationships from spoiling.


  • A cover image for an InkSpirations Christian drama script.

    Signs From God

    These four “Collected Skits” are on the theme of fruitful Christian living: stewardship, holiness, love, and hope. Together, these skits combine to show four areas of life that God intends to govern, as well as, bless when we submit and obey His commands. This is excellent for a sermon on the Christian life.


  • A cover image for an InkSpirations Christian drama script.

    The Parable Trail

    This collection of four “Fractured Parables” presents Jesus’ themes of mercy, forgiveness, and stewardship in “The Unmerciful Servant,” “The Prodigal Son,” “The Talents,” and “The Sower.” Five detectives: Bond,” “Holmes,” “Watson,” “Colombo,” and “Sergeant Friday” search for Jesus, “The Teacher.”


  • A cover image for an InkSpirations Christian drama script.

    The Parable of “The Sheep And The Goats”

    This “Fractured Parable” presents a hilarious retelling of Jesus’ parable of the “Sheep and the Goats.” Jesus places such extreme importance on ministering to the needy that He puts Himself in the position of the one in need. When we minister to the needy, we ministry to Jesus himself.


  • A cover image for an InkSpirations Christian drama script.

    The Parable of “Lazareeta And The Rich Woman”

    This “Fractured Parable” presents a hilarious retelling of Jesus’ parable of “Lazarus and the Rich Man,” in which we are admonished to heed God’s warnings to share our worldly goods with the poor. After death, we will be forever sorry that we did not obey the Lord and share our wealth.


  • A cover image for an InkSpirations Christian drama script.

    The Parable of “The Two Bridesmaids”

    This “Fractured Parable” presents a hilarious retelling of Jesus’ parable of the “Wise and Foolish Virgins.” The foolish bridesmaid fails to have her dress altered in time for the wedding and learns that there are no “second chances” to be ready to meet the bridegroom, Jesus.


  • A cover image for an InkSpirations Christian drama script.

    The Parable of “Unmerciful Servant”

    This “Fractured Parable” emphasizes the importance of forgiving others, just as God has forgiven us through Christ. It is an excellent introduction for a message on the importance of showing mercy to one another and the result of harboring hatred.


  • A cover image for an InkSpirations Christian drama script.

    The Parable of “The Prodigal Son”

    This “Fractured Parable” is a testimony to God’s faithfulness to forgive those who repent and return to Him with a pure heart. It sets up a message on the compassion of God and chastises those who decide that sinners should be shunned, as the “older brother” advises.


  • A cover image for an InkSpirations Christian drama script.

    The Parable of “The Talents”

    This “Fractured Parable” emphasizes the importance of using our God-given resources to increase His kingdom. It is an excellent introduction for a message on stewardship and the rewards for using our gifts to their potential, or the punishment for squandering them.


  • A cover image for an InkSpirations Christian drama script.

    The Parable of “The Wise And Foolish Builders”

    This “Fractured Parable” is a humorous depiction of Jesus’ challenge to “build” our lives on the “rock” of God’s Word. Those who do so are clearly compared to those whose lives crumble under the pressures of life because they chose to build their lives on the “sand” of worldly pleasures.


  • A cover image for an InkSpirations Christian drama script.

    Do You Really Love Me

    In this Christian Monologue Skit, a daughter pleads for unconditional love. A mother-daughter relationship is strained when mom finds that Amanda has been hiding an academic probation notice, which sets the stage for a sermon on parent-teen relationship and the secrets to honest communication.
