• ELECTRONIC Skit Package 1 - Rufus helps Zelda and Harvey understand that the Bible is God’s book of directions for living, and if we read it carefully, we will live the abundant life that God designed.
  • Young Bruce is aghast when his Uncle Buzz comes to visit. He is lazy, irresponsible, soaks his relatives for money, and is always looking for entertainment; other than that, he's quite a decent guy for a 40-year old man. This skit is an excellent set up for a youth sermon on responsibility.
  • This “Christian Mime Theater” skit reminds us that God promises to surround us with goodness and cloak us in His mercy in every circumstance of our lives, even in the valleys. It is an excellent sermon illustration to remind believers that Jesus is the "Good Shepherd," who provides rest and safety to us, His sheep.
  • In this Christian Monologue Skit, a mother shares her hope for her struggling blended family. Patti, comes home to find her blended family in chaos and at war with one another which sets the stage for a sermon on the difficulties in feeling "normal" after re-marriage in a blended family.
  • Unbiased compassion for the lost is the topic of this skit/sermon set in the "Heart Break Café." The pastor delivers his sermon while waiting for a tow truck. He witnesses to LaRoue, the abrasive waitress, much to the horror of his friend, Mike, who does not associate with her “kind.”
  • In this short skit on church leadership, Joe discovers that God's presence is the most significant contribution to any team. God's power carries out His vision through people, and His strand is the most significant in Ecclesiastes 4:12. (Third of three skits, but it can stand alone.)
  • This second skit of four expounds on the “Four Loves,” by explaining that God's "agape" love is a "salty" seasoning that prevents our earthly love relationships from spoiling. God's intends for us to enjoy healthy relationships under the sovereignty of God. (This skit can stand alone.)
  • This skit on the difference between "power and authority" finds Joe, a contractor, who can't get anything done by wielding power. He learns that authority comes to sacrificial "servant leaders" who prioritize others in their interpersonal relationships. (First of three skits; it can stand alone.)


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