• In this monologue, compromised integrity produces a casualty of lust. The royal conceit of King David leads him to abuse his power and murder Uriah. His justification sets the stage for a sermon on holiness and the surrender of our pride to the power of the Holy Spirit.
  • These three "Collected Skits" model godly leadership by contrasting "power" and "authority" as leadership styles, celebrating people with diverse abilities to accomplish a task, and presenting God as the ultimate visionary in any project. Excellent for a sermon on biblical leadership.
  • This "Choral Reading" is a particularly effective as a way to present the scripture reading surrounding the rapture of the Church, celebrating hope we have in Christ. It is a captivating opening for a sermon on God's deliverance from the coming tribulations of the end times.
  • Three monologues, balance Christian responsibility with God's intervention in human suffering. Each one wants God to intervene and sets the stage for a sermon on God's provision, our responsibility to take actions, and the role of suffering in the life of the believer.
  • "Idol worship" is the topic of this "Skermon" (skit/sermon). Worship of pleasure, possessions, and status set the stage for the pastor to present a 3-part sermon; one part after each vignette illustrating 1John 2:16,17: the "lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life."
  • This "Christian Mime Theater" skit presents a visual picture of the diversity of spiritual gifts, which God has given to His Church to help us carry out His "Great Commission." It provides an excellent sermon illustration on the equality and the diversity of spiritual gifts.
  • Chris chooses “worldly pleasures” over spiritual integrity and delivers this monologue after failing to wear the Armor of God. Six men shadow him, representing the parts of the Armor of God, setting up a sermon on the power of compromise to take over our Christian value system.
  • This “Reader’s Theater” skit tells the story of "Phillip and the Ethiopian," in which Phillip obeys the voice of the Lord and runs alongside the chariot to explain the scroll of Isaiah. The message of evangelism is clear; we, too, are to be ready to explain salvation to those who ask.
  • This “Three In One Skit” helps people understand that there are three basic theories that try to disprove the resurrection of Jesus Christ: the “Swoon Theory,” The “Theft Theory,” and the “Hallucination Theory.” Each theory is examined and sets up a sermon on the literal resurrection.
  • In this "Metaphor Skit," Jeff is trying to run a race, but visitors who offer him drugs, alcohol, dirty magazines and bad company hinder him. Each one leaves a chain, representing a choice to give in to sin, until finally, Jeff drops in discouragement. A sermon on spiritual warfare follows.
  • This “Christian Mime Theater” skit paints a vivid picture of those who reject God's grace, and their misery in trying to make the Christian journey, and those who accept the help of His grace, and walk in his strength. This makes an excellent sermon illustration, encouraging believers to humble themselves before God.


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