• Three monologues seek peace in problem relationships A single mom copes with disappointment; another with allegiances in her blended family; a husband tries to re-connect with his wife; each one sets up a sermon on forgiveness and the power of God to establish healthy relationships.
  • Chris puts greed over integrity and delivers this monologue after failing to wear the Armor of God. Six men shadow him, representing the parts of the Armor of God, setting up a sermon on the power of greed to take over our Christian value system and the importance of wearing the armor of God.
  • These four "Collected Skits" are on the theme of fruitful Christian living: stewardship, holiness, love, and hope. Together, these skits combine to show four areas of life that God intends to govern, as well as, bless when we submit and obey His commands. This is excellent for a sermon on the Christian life.
  • This “Three In One Skit” presents chaos in traffic, chaos at home, and chaos at work, all set against the background of a calm song that tells us to slow down and quiet ourselves. This skit sets up a series of contrasts between chaos and calm for a sermon on the peace of God.
  • This "Dream Skit" encourages people to re-evaluate their pre-conceived notions about what small groups are like. It sets up a sermon that encourages people to become involved in small fellowship/Bible study groups, sharing life's joys and sorrows, thus fulfilling the law of Christ.
  • Being culturally sensitive to your surroundings for the purposes of evangelism is the topic of this short, humorous skit. Two elderly men sit off to the side and get confused about what those "sneeker-friendly services” are all about. This is a good wake-up call for church growth.
  • In this Monologue Skit, Solomon laments the emptiness of wealth, lust, and power; all of which lead to vanity. He sets up a sermon on the dangers of turning wealth, status, and physical pleasure into idols. Spiritual hunger is only satisfied by a Christian life wholly devoted to God's priorities.
  • "Truth always wins out" is the theme of this skit. Fred wants to tell a "fish tale" to explain why they didn't catch any fish, but Bob can't seem to get the "alternate truth" straight. An hilarious "Abbott & Costello-like" dialogue proves that a lie is not only wrong, but it never works.
  • This "Choral Reading" is a particularly effective as a way to present the scripture reading of Matthew 5:1-12, celebrating the "beautiful attitudes" of the believer. It is a captivating opening for a sermon on God's abundant blessings in every circumstance of life.
  • This "Story Time Theater" provides a delightfully creative venue for stressing the importance of reading the "directions," God’s word, so we can conform to His ideal and not make a "mess" of our lives. Two mimes and one “Story Lady” set up a sermon on obedience and bring out the child in everyone.
  • This "Choral Reading" is a particularly effective as a way to present the scripture reading of Ephesians 4: 4-7, 11-16, celebrating the "The Body of Christ" working together. It is a captivating opening for a sermon on God's plan for His human family to help each other grow spiritually.
  • This "Choral Reading" is a particularly effective as a way to present the scripture reading surrounding the resurrection of Jesus Christ, from several gospel accounts. It is a captivating opening for an Easter sermon and the ultimate triumph we have over death.
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