• In this Christian Drama Monologue, the Samaritan Woman laments her deep disappointment caused by relationship problems, and sets the stage for a sermon on the meaning of life, which only comes when we follow Jesus and find true love through the "living water."
  • This second skit of four expounds on the “Four Loves,” by explaining that God's "agape" love is a "salty" seasoning that prevents our earthly love relationships from spoiling. God's intends for us to enjoy healthy relationships under the sovereignty of God. (This skit can stand alone.)
  • In this Monologue Skit, a daughter remembers her mother's hope of eternal life. Nikki visits the grave of her mother each year on her mother's birthday and reads the promises of Heaven, setting the stage for a sermon on faith in God's promises and the hope of eternal life in Heaven.
  • This “Reader’s Theater” skit tells the story of "Peter and John before the Sanhedrin," and introduces a message encourage believers to pray earnestly to God for boldness and protection and never to let anyone silence their preaching and their praise of God.
  • This third skit of four expounds on the "Four Loves" by portraying the quality of agape love practiced over a lifetime. The continuous cast has become senior citizens, and each one is more eager to help the other than to meet his own needs. (This skit can also stand alone.)
  • This "Dream Skit" presents a beautiful portrait of a man who professes outward holiness, but the outward picture changes as the inward man compromises his integrity. This eerie portrait reverses when the man repents and sets up a message on unfailing Christian integrity.
  • This "Reader's Theater"” skit is a retelling of the "Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector," placed in a modern context using a religious snob who looks down on people he considers to be scum. This sets up a sermon stating that humility has integrity and self-righteousness is dangerous.
  • This collection of four "Fractured Parables" presents Jesus' themes of mercy, forgiveness, and stewardship in "The Unmerciful Servant,” “The Prodigal Son,” “The Talents,” and “The Sower." Five detectives: Bond,” “Holmes,” “Watson,” “Colombo,” and “Sergeant Friday” search for Jesus, "The Teacher."
  • This "Fractured Parable" is a humorous depiction of Jesus' challenge to "build" our lives on the "rock" of God's Word. Those who do so are clearly compared to those whose lives crumble under the pressures of life because they chose to build their lives on the "sand" of worldly pleasures.
  • This "Fractured Parable" emphasizes the importance of forgiving others, just as God has forgiven us through Christ. It is an excellent introduction for a message on the importance of showing mercy to one another and the result of harboring hatred.
  • This "Fractured Parable" presents a hilarious retelling of Jesus' parable of the "Wise and Foolish Virgins." The foolish bridesmaid fails to have her dress altered in time for the wedding and learns that there are no “second chances” to be ready to meet the bridegroom, Jesus.
  • This "Fractured Parable" emphasizes the importance of using our God-given resources to increase His kingdom. It is an excellent introduction for a message on stewardship and the rewards for using our gifts to their potential, or the punishment for squandering them.


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