• This Christian play explains the reasons behind God's mandate for sexual abstinence until marriage, and celebrates God's forgiveness of those who repent and turn away from sexual sin. It sets up a sermon on God's plan for sex, as it tells a compelling story through acting, music, and mime.
  • ELECTRONIC Skit Package 6 - The parallel between a “dirty” mouth, which flows from “dirty” thoughts, and a stopped-up toilet is shown as Pastor Rufus helps Harvey deal with “Loudmouth Larry.”
  • These discussion activities are designed to create an environment in which your audience personally explores the message of "A Bird's Eye View." Filled with enjoyable small group interaction, and moments of private contemplation, these activities challenge your audience to commit themselves to sexual purity before marriage. Use these discussion activities to deepen the relationships between your ministry leaders and your youth or single adults, and increase your ministry's effectiveness in disci
  • ELECTRONIC Skit Package 3 - The story of the Apostles preaching even after they had been flogged and imprisoned, gives Clem new confidence to be "faithful" and stand up for her faith at school. Harvey learns an embarrassing lesson about "self-control" when his parents hire a babysitter for him and Tina because they can't trust him.
  • This skit on the difference between "power and authority" finds Joe, a contractor, who can't get anything done by wielding power. He learns that authority comes to sacrificial "servant leaders" who prioritize others in their interpersonal relationships. (First of three skits; it can stand alone.)
  • ELECTRONIC Skit Package 4 - Pastor Rufus tells Clem that she is just like Ananias because she obeyed God and used "Holy Spirit" power to do what is good and right. When Harvey rescues some baby birds, he learns that gentleness and goodness go together.
  • Hear the music, see the sets and be inspired by the action of each scene as you witness an actual performance.
  • ELECTRONIC Skit Package 3 - Zelda wants to join “The Dominators,” a tough gang of girls at school. She learns an important lesson about prayer when she has to accept a, “No” answer from God. Pastor Rufus explains that an answered prayer is not necessarily a “Yes” answer to our requests; “No” is an answer, too.
  • A handbook for developing a vibrant children's ministry.  The reader will be challenged to prepare the "soil" of children's ministry, then prayerfully "plant" the children's ministry in an environment that encourages spiritual growth in the children, parents, and team members.  
  • ELECTRONIC Skit Package 7 - Harvey has everyone puzzled when he announces that he has a very important daily appointment, and nothing can get in its way. Zelda, Clem, and Tina discover that he reads his Bible and prays to God. Pastor Rufus explains that having a regular time of prayer and Bible study is one sure way to prioritize God in our lives and grow as Christians.
  • The danger of one-sided submission in marriage relationships is the topic of this "Skermon" (skit/sermon). He battles for a new table saw, while she wants to spend money on a vacation. The pastor interrupts the conflict encouraging mutual submission, beginning with our surrender to God.
  • ELECTRONIC Skit Package 5 - Harvey and Tina learn that jealousy is very destructive as they compare their toys to see who has the best stuff. Their toys are mistakenly donated to a mission orphanage. Pastor Rufus shares God’s opinion about greed, jealousy, and the power of giving things away.
  • ELECTRONIC Skit Package 5 - Pastor Rufus tells the story of Peter's "joy" in the Lord, and the "patience" of the early church as they prayed for Peter's release in Acts 12:5-17. Both Tina and Harvey discover that no matter what disappoints us in life, the Holy Spirit will give us the power to be joyful and patient.
  • ELECTRONIC Skit Package 5 - Harvey acts out his Christian commitment when he “loves his neighbor as himself.” During recess, Harvey and the girls witness the school “Tuffs” beating up on Brian. Harvey goes to Brian’s rescue. Pastor Rufus challenges them to change the world, one person at a time, with courtesy, care, and kindness, and he encourages them to do whatever they can to help people in need.
  • ELECTRONIC Skit Package 6 - It was the story of Paul and Silas "peace" in jail, and their "kindness" to the Jailer in Acts 16: 23-34, that inspired Harvey to invite Tina to come with him on a fishing trip with their father. Harvey's peace and Tina's reaction afterward made his sacrifice all worth it.
  • ELECTRONIC Skit Package 4 - Tina has a terrible time mustering up the courage to go to the dentist. Harvey and Zelda try to help her take her mind off of the dentist by giving her things to distract her. Finally, Pastor Rufus helps everyone remember that our “secret weapon” against fear is praying to God for courage.
  • ELECTRONIC Skit Package 1 - Pastor Rufus has an important decision to make. He models how to pray for guidance by asking God four important questions. Harvey, Tina, Clem, and Zelda, learn how to use their brains as well as their hearts as they ask God for guidance.
  • ELECTRONIC Skit Package 2 - Harvey, Zelda, and Tina are surprised when Pastor Rufus asks them to pray for him as he makes some decisions about his job. In a comical turn of events, the children learn that God wants us to pray for each other and encourage each other to pray for God’s will.
  • ELECTRONIC Skit Package 2 - Harvey and the children discover that sometimes we blame our parents for things that are our fault and that we should take responsibility for our own actions.
  • This “Christian Mime Theater” skit paints a vivid picture of those who reject God's grace, and their misery in trying to make the Christian journey, and those who accept the help of His grace, and walk in his strength. This makes an excellent sermon illustration, encouraging believers to humble themselves before God.
  • ELECTRONIC Skit Package 2 - Tina learns that a “mistake” is doing the wrong thing when you don’t know any better. Zelda, however, learns that a “sin” is intentionally breaking one of God’s “Ten Commandments” by choosing to do the wrong thing, when you know what is right. They all learn that sin separates us from God and others.


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