• This “Three In One Skit” shows that when we look to our jobs, our relationships, and our possessions to give us personal significance, we will remain forever empty. This “Three In One Skit” sets up a sermon proving that only a life lived in service to God brings us lasting satisfaction.
  • In this "Skermon" (skit/sermon) one young woman tells her friend to "hand" her life over to God. Each finger represents one area: thumb=location; forefinger=purpose; middle finger= occupation; ring finger=a mate; and pinkie=passions. The pastor interrupts half way through as the action freezes.
  • In this "Rewind Skit" about marriage relationships, Drew gives Nancy what he wants for their anniversary, and Nancy gives Drew what she wants, setting up a sermon on the importance of couples sacrificing some of their own preferences to honor the needs of the spouse.
  • This "Choral Reading" is a particularly effective way to present the scripture reading of Psalm 51, celebrating the goodness of God and His love for those who present themselves before Him with a sincere and pure heart. It is a captivating opening for a sermon on purity and integrity.
  • This  Three In One Skit helps people understand that Jesus has come and will come to us first, in the form of a man; second, in the clouds when He comes for His elect; and third, when He comes to be the righteous judge. This trio sets up a sermon on eschatology.
  • The effect of a bad Christian witness is the topic of this "Skermon" (skit/sermon). Brian gets a "bad taste" of Christians after being yelled at by a street evangelist and escaping a theological argument. The pastor presents sermon parts during freezes in the vignettes or at the end during a group freeze.
  • Skit Package 4 - Harvey learns how to become a Christian as he and Pastor Rufus make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the father-son picnic. Harvey prays and gives His life to Christ, then Rufus explains the significance of baptism. Tina learns that baptism symbolizes an inward change and a new life in Christ.
  • These are three Monologues of Job-like complaints. Each one re-examines the anguish of good people over finances, wayward children, and terminal illness. These Job-like speeches lead into a sermon on God's power, regardless of our complaints, and His compassion regardless of our worthiness.
  • In this Monologue Skit, a daughter remembers her mother's hope of eternal life. Nikki visits the grave of her mother each year on her mother's birthday and reads the promises of Heaven, setting the stage for a sermon on faith in God's promises and the hope of eternal life in Heaven.
  • This "Reader's Theater"” skit is a retelling of the "Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector," placed in a modern context using a religious snob who looks down on people he considers to be scum. This sets up a sermon stating that humility has integrity and self-righteousness is dangerous.
  • This "Christian Mime Theater” skit presents a picture of how much God delights in equipping his church through the gifts of the Holy Spirit. This is an excellent sermon illustration for encouraging believers to ask for these gifts, and then have the faith and the courage to use them.
  • In this skit, Joe learns a lesson in leadership skills: getting the diverse members of "the body of Christ" to work together. He would rather use a few men than include the inept volunteers on his building project team; his servant leadership grows. (Second of three skits; can stand alone.)


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