The Skituations Training Kit provides you with everything you need to begin this life-changing children's ministry program. The Training Kit consists of a Director's Guide, packed with over 30 years of children's ministry administrative wisdom, and a DVD which includes 4 movies: Training Movie, Full-length Skit Movie, Recruiting "Trailer," and a Skituations Library "Tour."
In 5 Skit Packages, the children experience the basics of Christianity. Together with Harvey, they learn that God shows His love for us in so many wondrous ways, yet we continue to sin. They are challenged to love God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love their neighbors as they love themselves. Harvey accepts God's offer of salvation, becomes a Christian, and begins his personal journey with Jesus.
In 5 ELECTRONIC Skit Packages, Harvey learns how to grow in his relationship with God. Through reading the Bible, God's book of directions, he learns that God promises to help him through hard times if he prays. He rejoices in the promise of forgiveness, discovers that he is part of the Bride of Christ, the Church, and learns that sharing the good news of God's love with others is the greatest gift of all!
In 8 ELECTRONIC Skit Packages, the children learn just what it means to live the new life as a Christian in their relationships with brothers and sisters, with parents, with bullies at school, and with their friends. They are relieved to learn that they don't have to make these changes alone because God has sent the Holy Spirit to be their helper!
Throughout this volume of 7 Skit Packages, Jesus’ parables are highlighted, as the real-life situations in the skits mirror the conflicts and settings of the original parable. In the middle of each skit, Rufus reads the parable, directly from the Bible. Each lesson suggests a snack with the “best part in the middle,” like corn-dogs, Twinkies, cup cakes, etc., to help make the point that you have to dig for the “best part” (the lesson) in Jesus’ parables.
Prayer and Bible study are two powerful tools to grow spiritually. Topics explored in this volume of 7 Skit Packages include: inspiration, sovereignty, how to pray for guidance, praying for the needs of others, praying for God's will, and how to have a daily "secret time" with God to read His word and to pray to Him.
Through a study of the book of Acts, the children are introduced to the ministry of the Holy Spirit as He empowers the life of the believer. Clem becomes a Christian, and the “fruit,” or results, of the Holy Spirit’s presence in her life, provides opportunities for the children to learn what it means to have “Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Gentleness, Faithfulness, Goodness, and Self-control” in our daily lives.
Jesus' beatitudes for living are explored in this volume of 5 Skit Packages. The children experience the 5 spiritually "beautiful attitudes" expressed in the Beatitudes: Being peacemakers, being gentle, hungering and thirsting for righteousness, being persecuted for standing up for Jesus, and mourning your spiritual condition without Jesus.