• ELECTRONIC Skit Package 3 - Harvey takes the punishment for Tina when she burns down the storage shed. Pastor Rufus explains that God loves us so much that Jesus took our punishment of death for sin on the cross because we could not take it for ourselves. Zelda takes her turtles to the church to sacrifice them, hoping their blood will forgive her for stealing Clem’s iPod. Rufus intercepts her just in time and reminds her that the blood of Jesus forgives all sin once and for all.
  • This “Reader’s Theater” skit enacts the story of "Jesus and Nicodemus" and presents the wondrous miracle of being "born again" as Jesus describes it. It explores the skeptical reaction that people have to the miracle of salvation.
  • This “Reader’s Theater” skit is a retelling of the "Raising of Lazarus," proclaiming a message of hope that Jesus has power over death and those who hear His call will resurrect from the dead.
  • ELECTRONIC Skit Package 5 - Harvey and Tina learn that jealousy is very destructive as they compare their toys to see who has the best stuff. Their toys are mistakenly donated to a mission orphanage. Pastor Rufus shares God’s opinion about greed, jealousy, and the power of giving things away.
  • Counting your "spiritual blessings" is the theme of this skit. Frank wins the 6 million dollar lottery, but all he sees is high taxes and parasite relatives. Like Frank, we dwell on the negatives in life and forget that we are "spiritual millionaires," saved by the grace of God's love.
  • This “Three In One Skit” shows that when we look to our jobs, our relationships, and our possessions to give us personal significance, we will remain forever empty. This “Three In One Skit” sets up a sermon proving that only a life lived in service to God brings us lasting satisfaction.
  • This “Three In One Skit” deals with being ready to meet Jesus and refers to the core values of real Christians who choose compassion over judgment, love over tyranny, and integrity over compromise. This skit sets up a sermon on the "heart attitude" which identifies true believers.
  • The danger of one-sided submission in marriage relationships is the topic of this "Skermon" (skit/sermon). He battles for a new table saw, while she wants to spend money on a vacation. The pastor interrupts the conflict encouraging mutual submission, beginning with our surrender to God.
  • ELECTRONIC Skit Package 7 - Harvey has everyone puzzled when he announces that he has a very important daily appointment, and nothing can get in its way. Zelda, Clem, and Tina discover that he reads his Bible and prays to God. Pastor Rufus explains that having a regular time of prayer and Bible study is one sure way to prioritize God in our lives and grow as Christians.
  • In this "Skermon" (skit/sermon) one young woman tells her friend to "hand" her life over to God. Each finger represents one area: thumb=location; forefinger=purpose; middle finger= occupation; ring finger=a mate; and pinkie=passions. The pastor interrupts half way through as the action freezes.
  • Unbiased compassion for the lost is the topic of this skit/sermon set in the "Heart Break Café." The pastor delivers his sermon while waiting for a tow truck. He witnesses to LaRoue, the abrasive waitress, much to the horror of his friend, Mike, who does not associate with her “kind.”
  • Anger management is the topic of this skit/sermon set in the "Heart Break Café." The pastor delivers his sermon while having lunch with Carl, who has an anger management problem, which is constantly being tried and tested by the hilarious, yet abrasive, waitress, LaRoue.


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