This volume of 8 skits highlights Old Testament Heroes, focusing on the trust and obedience that characterized their relationship with God. However, God's power, His unending love, and His faithful forgiveness, make God the ultimate Old Testament Hero! The adventures of each Old Testament hero is mirrored by the characters as they model lives built on trust and obedience to God: A firm foundation.
These four skits are on the theme of "The Four Loves That Shape Our Lives": "Eros," that ignites our passions; "Phileo," that urges us to develop like-minded loyalties; "Storge," that cements our family relationships, and God's "Agape" love, that provides the "light and salt" attitudes and behaviors which keep our three earthly relationships from spoiling.
In this Christmas skit, Grandpa Beasley is coaxed to come to church by his tiny grand-daughter who reminds him that although Christmas may be for children, You're a child of God, and you're in His family; you always will be. This skit sets up a sermon on Christmas being for all the children of God.
Through a study of the book of Acts, the children are introduced to the ministry of the Holy Spirit as He empowers the life of the believer. Clem becomes a Christian, and the “fruit,” or results, of the Holy Spirit’s presence in her life, provides opportunities for the children to learn what it means to have “Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Gentleness, Faithfulness, Goodness, and Self-control” in our daily lives.
In 9 skits, the children learn about God's design for family living. Zelda's emotional reaction to her parents' divorce is real, but she learns that the "family of God" will never forsake her. This series speaks to the spiritual needs of single-parent, blended, and traditional families as it provides wisdom for shared responsibility and constant sensitivity in ministering to our own families as believers.