Peace and kindness are two powerful "fruit" of the Holy Spirit. Tina gives Harvey an "Action Hero" cape, and calls him "Spirit Boy." Harvey's act of kindness came after Pastor Rufus told them the story of Paul and Silas in Acts 16: 23-34. Harvey was inspired to show his love to Tina in a powerful way.
Prayer and Bible study are two powerful tools to grow spiritually. Topics explored in this volume of 7 Skit Packages include: inspiration, sovereignty, how to pray for guidance, praying for the needs of others, praying for God's will, and how to have a daily "secret time" with God to read His word and to pray to Him.
The children learn how to live a missionary life, and what a missionary does as they watch Clem and her family prepare to go to the mission field. The "call," the emotional leaving, the home "support team," the letters, and the joys and pains of missionary work all challenge the children to actively serve God. Tina learns that you don't have to leave home to be a missionary when she leads her friend to Lord.