
17 Script Categories!

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InkSpirations Christian drama scripts are organized into 17 Categories.

The categories are created based on the type, or style of Christian drama, rather than the topics of the scripts included in that category. Each category includes Christian drama scripts that can be used for many settings or purposes. It is up to you, or your pastor to choose which category best suits your particular setting or need. 

Below is a brief description of each category, with links to the categories. Links to most of these categories can also be found on the menu at the top of each page as well. Enjoy the tour!


Click on the name of the category to view the scripts in that category.  Once there, you can purchase and download the scripts.  

InkSpirations Script Categories


  • A cover image for an InkSpirations Christian drama script.

    Choral Readings

    Choral Readings present Biblical and inspirational literature using many voices that
     communicate one message. The contrast of these sounds in alternating lines of
     literature is very captivating and presents scripture in a multi-dimensional, new light.


  • A cover image for an InkSpirations Christian drama script.

    Christian Mime Theater

    Christian Mime Theater brings scripture passages to life through the ministry of
    pantomime. During the “voice over” reading of the scripture, people come to life in
    various light pools across the stage, portraying modern enactments of the timeless
    Word of God.


  • A cover image for an InkSpirations Christian drama script.

    Christian Plays

    Christian Plays provide effective community outreach and open doors for 
    evangelism. They range in topics from sexual abstinence for youth, to evangelism
    challenges for your congregation, as well as hilarious comedies to be enjoyed in a
    dinner theater setting.


  • A cover image for an InkSpirations Christian drama script.

    Christmas Madrigal Dinner Theater

    Christmas Madrigal Dinner Theater is a trip back in time as it weaves classic
    Christian plays into an evening of holiday feasting and traditional Christmas carols,
    all set in an old English court. Twelve singers dress in 16th century, English
    costumes, with the King’s Jester serving as the “Master of Ceremonies.”


  • A cover image for an InkSpirations Christian drama script.

    Dream Skits

    Dream Skits are surrealistic dramas in which the central character finds him or
    herself in a “Twilight Zone” – type situation that simple does not happen in real life,
    but these unreal happenings give real-world insights. The audience gets a firsthand
    look at psychological struggles as they manifest themselves in “odd” happenings.


  • A cover image for an InkSpirations Christian drama script.

    Fractured Parables

    Fractured Parables are modern, humorous retelling of the parables of Jesus,
    illustrating ancient truth in a contemporary light. Mimes portray the action as the
    narrator relates the parable with witty twists and unexpected surprises.


  • A cover image for an InkSpirations Christian drama script.

    Heart Break Cafe

    Heart Break Cafe literally turns the sermon time into “food for thought,” as the
    pastor presents his sermon in a cafe setting while he has lunch with a friend.
    LaRoue, a comic waitress, provides application to the pastor’s message.


  • A cover image for an InkSpirations Christian drama script.

    Metaphor Skits

    Metaphor Skits use concrete items to represent abstract ideas. Physical objects
    (props) help state the theme of the message. These skits use a surrealistic style to
    make their point; such as: a crown worn by a dominant person, or another actor
    falling over when someone speaks harshly to him.


  • A cover image for an InkSpirations Christian drama script.


    The actor who presents a Monologue becomes the character in full costume and
    makeup, and then gives the audience a glimpse into the character’s innermost
    thoughts as he or she struggles with life’s most intense relationships and crisis


  • A cover image for an InkSpirations Christian drama script.

    Monologue Skits

    Monologue Skits feature a central character who takes a moment to “think about
    life” and who delivers a monologue while the rest of the skit freezes. The
    audience gets a firsthand look at the psychological struggle that the events of
    the skit creates.


  • A cover image for an InkSpirations Christian drama script.

    Reader’s Theater

    Reader’s Theater is dramatic literature presented by readers who are seated and
    who read the script using the techniques of oral interpretation, characterization,
    and pantomime to create a theatrical effect.


  • A cover image for an InkSpirations Christian drama script.

    Realistic Skits

    Realistic Skits are “sketches” of one of life’s revelation moments, in which a person
    struggles to understand or achieve something. These 5-20 minute Christian skits
    typically visit a moment when a decision must be made that will alter the character’s


  • A cover image for an InkSpirations Christian drama script.

    Rewind Skits

    Rewind Skits turn back the clock, as actors reverse the action by replaying the
    scene backwards. Then, they begin it again; this time, they repair bad decisions,
    promote relationships, and undo the mess they found themselves in the first time.


  • A cover image for an InkSpirations Christian drama script.


    “Skermons” combine a skit and sermon together into one seamless, dramatic,
    storytelling moment, involving the pastor as a narrator or commentator. At a
    point in the skit, the actors remain frozen on stage. The pastor refers to their
    actions or motives as he presents his sermon, using the actors as illustrations.


  • A cover image for an InkSpirations Christian drama script.

    Skits On A Theme

    Skits On A Theme are a group of skits that fit together to make a thematic
    statement. Each of these skits is woven together with a narrative that provides
    insightful spiritual commentary, creating a unified message.


  • A cover image for an InkSpirations Christian drama script.

    Story Time Theater

    Story Time Theater features the pantomime/storytelling talents of two mimes, one
    “Story Lady,” and one pianist, who improvises music during the story. The mimes
    act out the events told by the Story Lady as she reads a contemporary parable that
    brings a scriptural concept to life.


  • A cover image for an InkSpirations Christian drama script.

    Three In One Skits

    Three In One Skits present three separate stories, told scene-by-scene, alternating
    with each other, yet together they make one point. When actors finish one scene,
    they freeze in position; their last line sets up the next actor’s first line. Each scene
    resumes exactly where it ended, and ends with the same summary statement.
