• This “Three In One Skit” helps people understand that there are three basic theories that try to disprove the resurrection of Jesus Christ: the “Swoon Theory,” The “Theft Theory,” and the “Hallucination Theory.” Each theory is examined and sets up a sermon on the literal resurrection.
  • ELECTRONIC Skit Package 2 - Harvey and the children discover that sometimes we blame our parents for things that are our fault and that we should take responsibility for our own actions.
  • ELECTRONIC Skit Package 1 - The children will learn that there is a better way to calm the anger of a bully than fighting back: Treat them kindly and pray for them, if it is safe to do so. This advice from Jesus puts out the "fire" of anger.
  • ELECTRONIC Skit Package 4 - Pastor Rufus teaches the children to ask God to help them get the fire of anger with their brothers and sisters “WET” by doing good when they have been treated badly, and setting a good example of what it means to have a new life in Christ.
  • ELECTRONIC Skit Package 2 - Harvey, Zelda, and Tina are surprised when Pastor Rufus asks them to pray for him as he makes some decisions about his job. In a comical turn of events, the children learn that God wants us to pray for each other and encourage each other to pray for God’s will.
  • ELECTRONIC Skit Package 1 - Pastor Rufus has an important decision to make. He models how to pray for guidance by asking God four important questions. Harvey, Tina, Clem, and Zelda, learn how to use their brains as well as their hearts as they ask God for guidance.
  • ELECTRONIC Skit Package 4 - Tina has a terrible time mustering up the courage to go to the dentist. Harvey and Zelda try to help her take her mind off of the dentist by giving her things to distract her. Finally, Pastor Rufus helps everyone remember that our “secret weapon” against fear is praying to God for courage.
  • ELECTRONIC Skit Package 3 - Harvey, Zelda, Clem, and Tina discover the meaning of the "Lord's Prayer," by explaining it in their own words and making a craft to depict the prayer. At the conclusion of the skit, the children in the audience also choose one of the crafts to make as a reminder of the four parts and as a sharing tool.
  • This “Reader’s Theater” skit tells the story of "Phillip and the Ethiopian," in which Phillip obeys the voice of the Lord and runs alongside the chariot to explain the scroll of Isaiah. The message of evangelism is clear; we, too, are to be ready to explain salvation to those who ask.
  • ELECTRONIC Skit Package 6 - It was the story of Paul and Silas "peace" in jail, and their "kindness" to the Jailer in Acts 16: 23-34, that inspired Harvey to invite Tina to come with him on a fishing trip with their father. Harvey's peace and Tina's reaction afterward made his sacrifice all worth it.
  • The “Spiritual Growth Chart” displays kind of "seed" that is planted in the human heart, and the kinds of soils that were exhibited by both the characters in the parable and the corresponding characters in the skit.
  • Chris chooses “worldly pleasures” over spiritual integrity and delivers this monologue after failing to wear the Armor of God. Six men shadow him, representing the parts of the Armor of God, setting up a sermon on the power of compromise to take over our Christian value system.


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