The Parable of The Sower


This “Fractured Parable” contrasts the “good soil” of a heart that receives the Gospel seed and multiplies it, with soils (hearts) in which the Gospel seed is either misunderstood, withers and dies under the heat of persecution, or gets choked out by the cares and pleasures of the world.


In the “Parable of the Sower” Jesus compares the Gospel message to a “seed” that is planted in the “soil” of the human heart.

He tells a story of four different kinds of soil, each one receiving the seed of the Gospel. The first seed responds with a lack of understanding; the second, with a fear of persecution; the third is preoccupied with the cares and pleasures of this world; but finally, the fourth seed is fruitful, takes root, multiplies its witness, and brings others into the kingdom of God.

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Additional information

Dramatic Category

Fractured Parable


Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23


Fruitful Christian living


Youth, adult and family


12 players


5 minutes


A humorous look at fruitful Christianity, Presents a convicting picture roadblocks to Christian fruitfulness, Excellent for a sermon on Bible study, persecution, productive Christian living, or Satan's traps


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