The Heart of God – (Electronic)


This “dream play” explains the reason for God becoming man in the form of Jesus Christ: to speak His truth to us Himself, and to take the punishment that was intended for us so that we may have fellowship with Him in eternity. In the simple story of a heart-broken little girl, searching for her lost hamsters, we see the “Heart of God.”


This one-act play tells the story of Jeanie, a broken-hearted little girl who is up all night, searching for her beloved hamsters who ran away because she left the cage door open, so they wouldn’t feel trapped. As she calls for them in the middle of the night, she wakes up her Grandpa, who has fallen asleep on the couch while reading the Bible.

Grandpa attempts to take her mind off of her tragedy by reading to her about someone else who lost His beloved creatures and has a broken heart, too: God! Grandpa takes Jeanie on an imaginary journey through the Bible, from the Garden of Eden to the stable in Bethlehem, and finally to the cross of redemption. In the style of a “one-man-show,” Grandpa becomes several of the main characters who called out to God’s people, just like Jeannie called out to her hamsters.

God’s broken heart is the focus of the story as the theme of “returning to Him” is presented. It is the common thread that ties our familiar Bible stories together. The Gospel story is told with charm and imagination, in a way that will communicate to young and old alike.

This “dream play” is ideal for either a Christmas celebration or an Easter special. Four songs of your choosing are illustrated by mimes in a pantomime/dance style at four places in this play. This is an excellent play for holiday outreach or “Dinner Theater.”

This play also comes in a Christmas musical version entitled, “A Heartfelt Christmas” (item #CP5), and incorporates many more characters in the cast. It can serve as the “storyline” for a Christmas musical with multiple choirs of all ages and special music numbers interspersed throughout the scenes. You select the holiday songs. No music is provided in the script. It’s great fun to perform! (Download the FREE scenario, item #CP05)

This script is an electronic script!
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Additional information

Dramatic Category

Christian Play


John 1:14; John 3:16


Christmas or Easter stories


Children, youth, family, and adults


6 players


1 hour


A heartwarming story about why God came in the form of Jesus Christ., Presents the courtship of God, from Genesis to Revelation!, Excellent for a sermon on God's love, forgiveness, Christmas, Easter, witnessing, or free will

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