• In this monologue, a spiritually exhausted warrior is soothed by God's presence. Elijah cries out to God from his cave, where he is hides in fear, after destroying the Prophets of Baal. He sets the stage for a sermon on answered prayer and the faithfulness of God.
  • In this monologue, the Ethiopian Eunuch is ready for evangelism and eager for discipleship as he asks faith questions. He sets the stage for a sermon on the importance of witnessing to a spiritually hungry world and carrying out he "Great Commission."
  • In this monologue, compromised integrity produces a casualty of lust. The royal conceit of King David leads him to abuse his power and murder Uriah. His justification sets the stage for a sermon on holiness and the surrender of our pride to the power of the Holy Spirit.
  • Three monologues, balance Christian responsibility with God's intervention in human suffering. Each one wants God to intervene and sets the stage for a sermon on God's provision, our responsibility to take actions, and the role of suffering in the life of the believer.
  • Three pleas for healing in the "valley of the shadow of death" are the subjects of these three Christian Drama Monologues. Each one sets the stage for a sermon on trusting God to be our constant companion in the "valleys" of life and not leaning on our own understanding.
  • In this Christian Drama Monologue, the Samaritan Woman laments her deep disappointment caused by relationship problems, and sets the stage for a sermon on the meaning of life, which only comes when we follow Jesus and find true love through the "living water."
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