What’s Wrong With People? – (Electronic)


In this Monologue Skit, Carl blames others for his interpersonal relationship problems. He thinks everyone is rotten to the core and that life is unfair. He sets the stage for a sermon on humility, compassion, and seeing people through God’s eyes.


In this Monologue Skit, Carl blames others for his interpersonal relationship problems. Carl cannot control his anger toward the human race. The pastor sits on stage with his back to the audience, so all we see is Carl. He listens to Carl rant and rave about how wrong people are in their actions and how unfair life is. The pastor nods, and just lets Carl go about his tirade. At the conclusion, Carl freezes and the pastor turns to the audience and comments on Carl’s frame of mind.

This script is an electronic script!
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Additional information

Dramatic Category

Monologue Skits


Matthew 7:3


Blaming others


Youth and adults


1 man, and the pastor


2 minutes


A humorous look at judgmental attitudes, Presents the isolation that comes from criticism, Excellent for a sermon on pride, humility, criticism, and isolation, Electronic Script – No Shipping Required!


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