• What is a missionary and what does a missionary do to tell others about God?  In this skit package, the children also learn what happens when a missionary comes home on furlough. Tina is confused at first, but then becomes very curious.
  •  The characters learn some of the interesting and varied things that a missionary does on the mission field. They discover that God wants the best they can give to Him. They also learn what the "call to the mission field" means.
  • Clem’s parents consider that they may be called to be missionaries. The characters agree that if God is calling Clem and her family to be missionaries, they must trust Him and support Clem. Prayer and fasting are explained.
  • "Where shall I go?" is such a good question to ask God. There are so many ways a person who lives the missionary life can be used. In this skit, Clem and her family consider this big question.  After some enjoyable suggestions, Clem tells them that she wants to help care for needy children in Africa. 
  • The missionary support team is a vital part of a missionary's life.  In this skit package, Harvey, Zelda, Tina, and Pastor Rufus all become part of Clem’s support team in the areas of fund raising, newsletter writing, and prayer. Tina gets discouraged because she feels too young to do anything.   Finally, Tina discovers that she is not to young to pray. Pastor Rufus celebrates all of them for being a great support team for Clem, especially Tina whose prayers were answered.
  • Harvey, Tina, Zelda and Pastor Rufus can't decide what gifts to give Clem at her missionary "going away party." Tina suggests they give her various items to represent the pieces of the full armor of God at her party.
  • To be a home missionary honors the "Great Commission." Tina’s determination to become a missionary too, inspires the children to be a missionary where ever they are! 
  • Caring for the needs of others is at the heart of the missionary life. Tina  tries to "be a missionary" to a girl names Sarah who is hungry and needs shoes. Only after Tina gives Sarah her shoes is Sarah interested in learning more about Jesus. Tina learns that Jesus is our example in feeding the hungry and healing the sick.
  • We are all missionaries. Tina confirms her own commitment to Jesus and asks God for help as she witnesses to Sarah. She is triumphant when she is finally able to share her faith with Sarah. Tina learns the steps involved in leading a person to Christ and she creates "Tina's Tips For Witnessing" that are handed out to every child. 
  • In 5 Skit Packages, the children experience the basics of Christianity. Together with Harvey, they learn that God shows His love for us in so many wondrous ways, yet we continue to sin. They are challenged to love God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love their neighbors as they love themselves. Harvey accepts God's offer of salvation, becomes a Christian, and begins his personal journey with Jesus.
  • In 5 skits, the children take an in-depth look at five of God's promises: Eternal life, answered prayer, the power of the Holy Spirit, forgiveness, and His faithful presence in every moment of our lives. The characters experience the peace that comes when we understand what God has promised to those who live for Him, and trust Him.
  • In 5 ELECTRONIC Skit Packages, Harvey learns how to grow in his relationship with God. Through reading the Bible, God's book of directions, he learns that God promises to help him through hard times if he prays. He rejoices in the promise of forgiveness, discovers that he is part of the Bride of Christ, the Church, and learns that sharing the good news of God's love with others is the greatest gift of all!
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