“Prayer And Bible Study” – Volume 5


Prayer and Bible study are two powerful tools to grow spiritually. Topics explored in this volume of 7 Skit Packages include: inspiration, sovereignty, how to pray for guidance, praying for the needs of others, praying for God’s will, and how to have a daily “secret time” with God to read His word and to pray to Him.

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Prayer and Bible study are two powerful tools to grow spiritually. This volume of 7 Skit Packages explores the topics of inspiration and sovereignty. It explains how we received the Holy Bible, God’s Word, and the importance of reading it faithfully. This volume explores how to pray for guidance, for the needs of others, and for God’s will. The concept of inspiration is explained. The characters discover that the Bible is God’s personal message and plan for living to us. The children are encouraged to have a daily “secret time” with God to read His word and to pray to Him.

Skits In This Volume

  • Skit Package 1: “Prayers For Guidance” (Proverbs 3: 5, 6)

    Pastor Rufus has an important decision to make: will he go to work full-time as a maintenance man and quit being a children’s pastor? He models how to pray for guidance that centers on asking God four important questions. At the top of the list is, God, show me what the Bible says about this? Harvey, Tina, Clem, and Zelda, learn how to use their brains as well as their hearts as they ask God for guidance.

    …….Click here to purchase and download Skit Package 1 “Prayers For Guidance”


  • Skit Package 2: “Prayers For Others” (James 5: 16)

    Harvey, Zelda, and Tina are surprised when Pastor Rufus asks them to pray for him as he makes some decisions about his job. They don’t understand what he means. Clem also needs some prayer support as she makes a difficult decision. In a comical turn of events, the children learn that God wants us to pray for each other and encourage each other to pray for God’s will.

    …….Click here to purchase and download Skit Package 2 “Prayers For Others”


  • Skit Package 3: “God’s Will Is Sovereign” (Matthew 6: 10)

    Zelda wants to join The Dominators, a tough gang of girls at school. She learns an important lesson about prayer when she has to accept a, No answer from God. Pastor Rufus explains that an answered prayer is not necessarily a Yes answer to our requests; No is an answer, too. God sees into the future, and He knows what’s best; our job is to trust Him and learn to ask for His Will and not ours.

    …….Click here to purchase and download Skit Package 3 “God’s Will Is Sovereign”


  • Skit Package 4: “Prayers For Courage” (Joshua 1: 5)

    Tina has a terrible time mustering up the courage to go to the dentist. Harvey tries to take her mind off of it by giving her his DiscMan to listen to music. Zelda tries to relax her by letting play games on her Game Boy because she hasn’t helped matters any by recalling dentist horror stories. Finally, Pastor Rufus helps everyone remember that our secret weapon against fear is praying to God for courage.

    …….Click here to purchase and download Skit Package 4 “Prayers For Courage”


  • Skit Package 5: “The Bible, The Inspired Word of God” (2 Timothy 3: 16)

    Harvey learns the meaning of inspiration first hand when he asks Clem to help him write his acceptance speech for winning the Citizenship Award. Zelda believes that she should have won, so she plans to inspire him, by prompting him with confusing clues during the speech. When Pastor Rufus explains that the Bible was inspired, by God, Zelda, Clem, Harvey, and Tina have quite a story to tell!

    …….Click here to purchase and download Skit Package 5 “The Bible, The Inspired Word of God”


  • Skit Package 6: “The Bible, Carrying Out Your Father’s Plan” (Matthew 28:19, 20)

    Harvey, Zelda, Clem, and Tina learn that the Bible reveals God’s plan for saving the world, and every Christian is entrusted with carrying out his/her role in advancing the agenda of God for mankind. Pastor Rufus becomes an example of being true to the father’s plan when he explains why he can’t install a tether ball pole in a small patch of grass because that is where his own dad wanted to build a greenhouse.

    …….Click here to purchase and download Skit Package 6 “The Bible, Carrying Out Your Father’s Plan”


  • Skit Package 7: “How To Have A Secret Time With God” (Psalm 119: 11)

    Harvey has everyone puzzled when he announces that he has a very important daily appointment, that he cannot break, and nothing can get in its way. Zelda, Clem, and Tina follow him to his secret time only to discover that he reads his Bible and prays to God. Pastor Rufus explains that having a regular time of prayer and Bible study is one sure way to prioritize God in our lives and grow as Christians.

    …….Click here to purchase and download Skit Package 7 “How To Have A Secret Time With God”


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