Growing Ups and Downs – (Electronic)


This surrealistic “dream play” creates a visual picture of “growing up,” in a child’s mind, by connecting good choices to stepping up the ladder and bad choices to sliding down it. It is an excellent tool to show children the results of their choices and makes a wonderful outreach into the public schools for youth groups.


““Growing Ups and Downs”” is a surrealistic “dream play.” Two adults, Molly and Brian, sit a-top a long plank. They are suspended between two ladders. They look down onto the stage where younger versions of themselves are trying to “grow up.” Each time the “child versions” of the adults make good choices, they take a few steps up the ladder toward adulthood. However, each time they make choices that hurt their own bodies, or the feelings of others, they slide down the ladder and land in miserable little heaps on the floor.

The children in the audience watch as the characters deal with peer pressure to use drugs, temptations to be mean-spirited and sharp-tongued, and the tendency to place greater value on “things” than people. The adults watch these scenes and comment on the difficulties of growing up. They lament that they missed out on so much joy in their young lives, and they confess that they should have grown up smarter and had more fun. During a desperate “Twilight Zone” moment, the adult Brian finds a two-way radio and communicates with his younger self, just in time to save the life of his older brother who did not have to die of a drug overdose, if only someone could have warned him.

The child Brian and the child Molly learn their lessons well, and successfully climb the ladder all the way up to the top to symbolize that they truly have grown up. This highly visual program communicates an unforgettable truth: Life is all about choices, the results of which can grow you “up or down.”

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Additional information

Dramatic Category

Christian or secular play


Proverbs. 22: 6


Successful life choices for children


Children, family


4 adults + 13 or more children


30-40 minutes


A graphic look at the results of positive and negative choices in the journey of "growing up.", An excellent ministry tool for youth groups to perform for children's audiences., Excellent outreach to the public schools during "Just Say, 'No, ' to Drugs" week.

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