• To be a home missionary honors the "Great Commission." Tina’s determination to become a missionary too, inspires the children to be a missionary where ever they are! 
  • After a power-outage, Pastor Rufus explains that the Holy Spirit is the third part of God that gives believers the power to live victorious Christian lives. Clem becomes a Christian and learns that the Holy Spirit will help her produce "fruit" (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, goodness, and self-control) that will show others that she is a Christian. 
  • Through a study of the book of Acts, the children are introduced to the ministry of the Holy Spirit as He empowers the life of the believer. Clem becomes a Christian, and the “fruit,” or results, of the Holy Spirit’s presence in her life, provides opportunities for the children to learn what it means to have “Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Gentleness, Faithfulness, Goodness, and Self-control” in our daily lives.
  • The children learn how to live a missionary life, and what a missionary does as they watch Clem and her family prepare to go to the mission field. The "call," the emotional leaving, the home "support team," the letters, and the joys and pains of missionary work all challenge the children to actively serve God. Tina learns that you don't have to leave home to be a missionary when she leads her friend to Lord.
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