
We Make Directing SKITuations Easy!

SKITuations actors rehearsing.

To help you get started, and keep your SKITuations program running fruitfully, we’ve included a small section of the “Director’s Guide” here. The full version of the Director’s Guide is included in the FREE Training Kit.  Click here to download the FREE “Director’s Guide.” 


See the power of S.K.I.T.S


Unleash the power of S.K.I.T.S. by following these simple, proven principles:


Script adlib

Memorize the order of events and key lines, not word-for-word. Ad-lib the dialogue! Rehearse your freeze cue lines carefully. POST THE SKIT OUTLINE AT ENTRANCES.



Keep rehearsals to a minimum

Don’t rehearse mid-week. Distribute the script one or more weeks in advance, then meet for rehearsal 90 minutes before show-time” to rehearse the blocking (traffic pattern).  Surprise and include the kids in the action of the skit; plan entrances and exits around them. Play with the kids and talk with them during the skit. Be careful not to overdo this, though.  If you rotate teams, change names. Kids won’t accept two different Harvey characters, etc.  Use one team for multiple services. After the skit, they go to church. Use others for songs and activities.


Interrupt the action with a freeze

•At “choice-making” moments, make a sound (bell, horn, etc.) to freeze the actors on stage. Ask questions from the “Sermon Notes” included in each Skit Package. Undo the moral numbing of today’s media culture.  Pastor Rufus presents parts of the sermon during the freezes as he walks around the frozen actors. Repeat the sound you made to signal the freeze to resume the action. The kids will see if their suggestions are implemented in the skit. If you choose not to use the freezes, BE SURE THE SERMON STILL MINGLES WITH THE SKIT!


Teach the way Jesus taught

••Skits apply biblical truth to solve the real-life conflicts children face. Portray their environment, use their language, and address their concerns in parable-like stories. Use the visuals, objects, and interactive suggestions provided in the skit/sermon.  Use the imaginary world of the skit, like Jesus used the imaginary world of the parable. Dress as real kids, not in goofy costumes. Use current toys, interests, and expressions. Use the powerful imaginations of the kids with pantomime. Let them “pretend” a row of chairs is a bed, etc. Don’t build elaborate sets; it makes story-telling a burden.


Skit-related activities

•Minister to the various learning styles of the children through skit-related activities included in each Skit Package.  Choose from six options provided based on time available and your children’s population.  Use the actors as small group discussion leaders after the skit. Draw from the “Recall” questions for an optional review session at the end of the series of skits.
