Beginning SKITuations
Your church or organization is filled with good people who want to do all they can to further God’s Kingdom in the lives of children! God knows who they are, and what they want! As with any ministry, beginning SKITuations is a spiritual venture.
“…Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it…” Psalm 127: 1
The first, and most important step is to PRAY!
- Pray for God to build the cast and ministry!
- Pray for Him to call people to join the teams!
- Pray for wisdom as you direct the ministry!
- Pray for favor and unity with your supervisors.
Parents know that children need supernatural help in making Godly choices in today’s world! What children need are Godly role models, healthy Christian relationships, and encouragement to take a stand for God! Do all you can, with God’s guidance, to highlight these needs as goals for your new SKITuations ministry! God is able to bring you so many people, that you not only fill two teams, but have a waiting list of people who want a part in this amazing venture!
Begin SKITuations By Building Your Team!
Recruit The Teams
Recruiting your team is not difficult. You will find all you need in the FREE Training Kit. You can recruit your team one of two ways:
- Recruit five one-time volunteers to play the SKITuations characters and act out a skit in “big church” in front of prospective youth or adult volunteers (as a promotion).
- Play the SKITuations Recruiting “Trailer” (a 3-minute commercial, which is part of the Training Kit DVD) in “big church.” If you decide to show the SKITuations “Trailer,” follow steps 4-11 below. If you decide to perform a live skit for “big church,” follow all 11 steps below.
Train the Teams
Showing the “Training Movie,” which is visible on the FREE Training Kit page, and included in the Training Kit DVD, is important, as well as letting your teams see the complete “Full-length Skit Movie” (also viewable on the FREE Training Kit page, and on the Training Kit DVD), but you and your teams have to remember that “training” comes with time. Let them enjoy the children, each other, and the joys of acting like a child (except for Pastor Rufus).
Remember to continually “yoke” yourselves to the Lord! As your popularity grows, and the numbers of children increase, it may be tempting to forget God, who built all of this! (Read Joshua 8 – 12!)
Develop The Teams
Do all you can to have fun together! Some of our greatest joys in ministry have happened “backstage.” Laugh, kid around, play with each other! That love and joy that you share flows out onto the stage, and the children love it!
Plan to get together, apart from performing, at least once a month. Go bowling, out to dinner, to the movies, or anything else that might be fun as a group.
Pray with and for each other! When one of the team hurts, you all hurt! Share times of challenge, fear, and joy with the whole group! Compliment each other after a performance! The team members will give their best, and they need to be encouraged!
Steps To A Successful Beginning
- Download the FREE Skit Package. This will give you a simple skit to use as your pilot.
- Show the “Full-length Skit Movie” to a few of your friends who are cut from the artistic “actor’s cloth.” (This movie is available for viewing on the FREE Training Kit page, or on the Training Kit DVD). You know who they are; the ones who talk with their hands and have faces that light up like neon billboards! Youth, from junior highers to seniors in high school, are fabulous prospects for any of the roles, but especially for Harvey and Tina.
- Convince these five selected people to do one skit for the adult congregation. This will give the youth and adults in your church an opportunity to see “first hand” what you are beginning in your children’s ministry.
- Ask your pastor to speak about the importance of reaching the children on the same day that you perform the skit for your adult congregation. Whenever the pastor speaks, the people listen. If he tells people that reaching the children is important, people will respond.
- Place the “volunteer sheet” (part of the Director’s Guide in the Training Kit) into the bulletins and ask people to fill it out and place it into the offering plate or into a bin as they exit. This will give you a “volunteer pool” from which to fish when it comes to forming your teams.
- Make it clear that you are recruiting two teams that will rotate, either weekly, monthly, or by series. Stress that your volunteers will only work for a specific number of weeks, then announce how many weeks they will have off. If people do not see an end or a rest from their commitment, they will not volunteer!
- Make it clear that they do not have to memorize lines. In your presentation, tell them that the lines are made up (ad libbed) as long as they remember the key points and cue lines of the scene.
- Make it clear that there are no midweek rehearsals. Right after your team performs a skit, hand them next week’s skit. Rehearse your cast one hour before the service begins. People are stressed and busy; if you over-rehearse them, they will quit!
- Show the “Training Movie” (This movie is available for viewing on the FREE Training Kit page, or on the Training Kit DVD) to those who respond at a scheduled “interest meeting” (one week after they fill out the “Volunteer Sheet”). Most people want to have fun while serving the Kingdom, so serve some sort of “goodies,” and have fun with this ministry opportunity.
- Once you have recruited your permanent teams from your advertising blitz in the adult service, be sure to change the names on the second team. The kids will only accept one “Harvey,” etc. Simply change “Harvey” to “Frank,” etc. The relationships remain the same.
- Carefully study the Director’s Guide, and have fun with this ministry. Dress as “real” kids, not “cartoonish” kids. Don’t read from the script on stage! Ad lib the lines. Remember, Jesus chose stories to teach the people. Our brains are hard-wired to learn through the examples in stories, so tell these stories will all your heart!