SKITuations is a Christian skit curriculum with interactive activities that tells the continuing story of four children: Harvey, Tina, Clem, and Zelda, as they apply Christian Biblical principles to their daily lives.
SKITuations Can Be Used For:
Large group / small group settings.SKITuations includes everything you need for either a large group, small group, or blended environment. The skit and sermon are excellent for large or small group settings. Each Skit Package includes ideas for small group discussions during the skit. Each Skit Package also includes small group activities and “take home” challenges that apply the lesson concept at home or at school.
Multiple-age group settings.Drama reaches across the age-groups. SKITuations is an excellent curriculum for multiple age group gatherings, like children’s church. The skits and activities are designed to interest the older children; the younger children will “reach up,” and enjoy being in an environment with older kids. If the skits and activities were designed to satisfy just the younger children, the older kids would be bored and possibly insulted. We have years of proof to show that SKITuations is effective in multiple age group, children’s church-type gatherings!
Children’s church.This is the environment for which SKITuations was originally designed. It is ideal for the various settings encountered in a Christian “children’s church” program: from a 10 minute “general session” at the beginning of the service to the whole-hour program that includes both large and small group gatherings.
Midweek programs.Typically, midweek church programs are a challenge because the children are tired from a full day at school. The challenge is to keep the children actively involved, both mentally and physically. SKITuations does all this and more! The youth or adult actors who portray the SKITuations characters can enjoy a higher level of ad-lib fun, making the skits a bit more exciting than if they were presented on Sunday morning. The activities included in the Skit Package are excellent for midweek programs!
Family programs.There is a national and worldwide trend of ministering to the entire family at the same time. SKITuations is a perfect fit for these Christian all-family programs! The power of the skit is that each family member will enjoy the action at different levels. The activities that are included in each Skit Package are excellent interactive tools for the families to enjoy and discuss after viewing the skit.
Camp programs.A camp setting is filled with fun, interaction, and a powerful on-going theme. SKITuations is an ideal Christian curriculum for any camp setting. The skits are perfect for the morning “general session” to introduce the concept for the day, or at the evening campfire to summarize the day’s topic. The small group activities included in each Skit Package are just right for the cabin groups to enjoy with their counselors.
Christian school chapels or classrooms.SKITuations can be used in many different ways in Christian schools. The skits can be performed by class teams, or by the teaching staff during chapels, and then the activities can be experienced in the classrooms afterward. The skits can also be read or performed in the classrooms as part of the Bible curriculum. The upper grades can perform the skits for the younger grades as part of a cross-age ministry with the school. Parents would love to see the skits during “Back To School” nights too!
VBS or summer programs.SKITuations has been used successfully as a VBS curriculum for over 30 years! The theme-based volumes lend themselves nicely to either a 5 or 10 day program. The skits are perfect for the “general sessions” at the beginning of each day, and the crafts and other small group activities included in each Skit Package are all you need for the rest of the day.
Homeschool or family devotions.Reading the skits as a homeschool family is an enjoyable way to grow spiritually, and learn the Bible at the same time. The activities, which are included in each Skit Package, are perfect for family learning experiences afterward. The theme-based volumes make it easy to find skits that compliment the homeschool curriculum. We’ve written an entire volume to suit the homeschool setting.
After school programs. Children just out of school need a time to unwind and enjoy a few moments of meaningful interaction. SKITuations can be used as a “lite” program after a homework session, and before a craft or snack. After the skit, the activities, which are included in each Skit Package, are perfect for the small group interaction before the parents come.
Christian outreach events. When conducting an outreach, it is important to choose programs or presentations that are easily accepted or understood by the non-Christian audience. Since SKITuations uses “real-life” situations in a child’s life (home, school, friends, etc.) as the settings for the skits, it is a comfortable curriculum for any outreach. Christian drama crosses the age and culture barriers, and SKITuations offers an enjoyable, yet hard-hitting dramatic message.
Cross-age ministry. When children are challenged to minister to their younger peers, it is a benefit to both the actors and the audience! “Church kids” who have “heard it all,” grow tremendously, in their knowledge of the Bible when they perform the SKITuations skits for younger children. The younger children, in the audience, are captivated by seeing other children as actor/teachers! Use upper Elementary, middle school, or youth as the SKITuations cast and crew as an on-going children’s ministry tool!
How Would You Like To Use SKITuations?
Click on the “setting” of your choice, below, to explore more!
Click here if you are interested in using SKITuations for children’s church, midweek programs, family programs, camp programs, Christian school, or VBS settings.
Click here if you are interested in using SKITuations for Christian homeschool or family devotions.