ELECTRONIC Skit Package 7 – Zelda and Harvey make some very bad choices that get them kicked out of school and placed on suspension. They learn that lives built on sand will not survive when the storms of life come, but lives build on the rock will survive lifes troubles because God is with those who obey His Word.
The Wise and Foolish Builders
In this ELECTRONIC seventh Skit Package in Vol. 4 “Parables of Jesus,” Zelda and Harvey make some very bad choices that get them kicked out of school and placed on suspension. Their lives are a real mess because they have chosen to make sandy choices (selfish, disobedient choices) instead of rocky choices (choices that please God). In the parable of The Wise and Foolish Builders, Jesus warns us not to build our lives on sand, but on the rock instead. Zelda and Harvey learned that lives built on sand will not survive when the storms of life come, but lives build on the rock will survive lifes troubles because God is with those who obey His Word.