“God’s Plan For The Family” – God’s Timeless Wisdom #7


God’s plan for the family is clear and strong! A family is people living together, respecting each other, using kind words, doing their jobs joyfully, and loving each other. Zelda is now a Christian and a part of God’s Heavenly family as well.


God’s plan for the family is clear and strong! In this skit, the characters (Harvey, Tina, Clem, and Zelda) celebrate that Zelda is now a Christian and a member of God’s family.  They learn that this doesn’t mean that she isn’t a part of her family on earth, but now she has two families! Pastor Rufus helps the characters learn what God says about our earthly family in the book of Proverbs. The characters put on a puppet show that shows the different kinds of families there can be. God’s plan for the family is people living together, respecting each other, using kind words, doing their jobs joyfully, and loving each other.

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