Becoming A Christian


Skit Package 4 – Harvey learns how to become a Christian as he and Pastor Rufus make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the father-son picnic. Harvey prays and gives His life to Christ, then Rufus explains the significance of baptism. Tina learns that baptism symbolizes an inward change and a new life in Christ.

SKU: 001-4BAC Category: Tag:


In this fourth Skit Package in Vol. 1 “Becoming A Christian,” Harvey learns how to become a Christian as he and Pastor Rufus make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the father-son picnic. Zelda stands at the door and knocks, because she wants to go, too, so Rufus compares her to Jesus, knocking at the door of our heart.”Harvey prays and gives His life to Christ, then Rufus explains the significance of baptism. Faith and obedience go together, like peanut butter and jelly. Tina learns that baptism symbolizes an inward change and a new life in Christ; consequently, baptizing Harvey’s toys, so they will be Christians too, is a waste of her time.


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John 1: 12 • Mark 12: 30, 31 • Revelation 3: 20 • Matthew 10: 32 • Romans 6: 4 • 2 Corinthians 5: 17 • Matthew 28: 19, 20


How to become a Christian; confession of sins; accepting Jesus Christ; Jesus stands at the door and knocks; the door of our heart; asking Jesus into your heart • commitment to Jesus Christ; being saved; salvation; the sinner’s prayer; the significance of baptism; to be baptized; dying to self; death to self; new life in Jesus Christ; becoming a new creation in Christ


How to become a Christian • confession of sins • accepting Jesus Christ • Jesus stands at the door and knocks • the door of our heart • asking Jesus into your heart • commitment to Jesus Christ • being saved • salvation • the sinner’s prayer • the significance of baptism • to be baptized • dying to self • death to self • new life in Jesus Christ • becoming a new creation in Christ


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Don't forget to "purchase, " and download the FREE "Great Commandment Chart" PowerPoint for the skits in the Becoming A Christian volume!


Remember that God has showered us with blessings., Differentiate between a sin and a mistake., Understand that we accept Jesus through prayer., Understand the significance of baptism., Love God with “all their strength” by choosing to obey His commands.


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