

Christian Homeschool And Family Products

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We have revised and rewritten a version of the “Parables of Jesus” volume for Christian homeschool or family use.  We are willing to create more, based on your response.  If you like what you see here, let us know, and we’ll provide more!

This volume of skits is offered in downloadable format only! You have the option of downloading the entire Christian drama scripts volume, or individual Skit Packages!

Don’t forget to download the FREE companion Parables of Jesus PowerPoint presentation


Click on the title of the script to view a detailed description, or purchase and download the script.  


  • A cartoon drawing of a SKITuations script - Why Jesus Spoke In Parables (HS)Why Jesus Spoke In Parables (HS)

    In this first Skit Package, the children discover the reason why Jesus taught in parables, simple stories that explain complex truths.   When Zelda is put on restriction for lying, she has a hard time understanding her mom’s complicated note, but when Bonnie, Harvey and Tina’s mom, tells Zelda the story of “The Girl Who Cried Wolf,” Zelda realizes the importance of telling the truth. Pastor Rufus helps them all understand that Jesus’ parables are “earthly stories with Heavenly meanings.”


  • A cartoon drawing of a SKITuations script - The Sower (HS)The Parable of The Sower (HS)

    In this second Skit Package, Pastor Rufus gives Harvey, Zelda, Clem, and Tina each a Bible to give to a friend.  Rufus repeats Jesus’ challenge in the Parable of the Sower to be “farmers” (sowers) and to plant (or share) the seed (the Word of God).


  • A cartoon drawing of a SKITuations script - The Good Samaritan (HS)The Parable of The Good Samaritan (HS)

    In this third Skit Package, Tina and Zelda come face-to-face with their selfishness and prejudice as they learn a lesson about what it means to “love your neighbor as yourself.”



  • A cartoon drawing of a SKITuations script - The Unmerciful Servant (HS)The Parable of The Unmerciful Servant (HS)

    In this fourth Skit Package, Harvey learns a painful lesson when he refuses to forgive Tina for breaking his one hundred dollar skateboard, even after Pastor Rufus forgives him for breaking the new one thousand dollar stained glass window at the church.  As Pastor Rufus and Bonnie list off the chores Harvey must complete to pay for the window, they make it clear to Harvey that Jesus’ parable of the “Unmerciful Servant” warns us to forgive others; otherwise, why should God forgive us when we sin?




  • A cartoon drawing of a SKITuations script - Lazarus And The Rich Man (HS)The Parable of Lazarus And The Rich Man (HS)

    In this fifth Skit Package, Clem ends up friendless and lonely because she won’t share her gum with Harvey, or her skates with Zelda, or her iPod with Tina.  When Bonnie tells the parable of “Lazarus and the Rich Man,” both she and Rufus help Clem understand that selfish people end up separated from God and from others because they care more about their stuff than they do about the needs of the people around them.


  • A cartoon drawing of a SKITuations script - The Prodigal Son (HS)The Parable of The Prodigal Son (HS)

    In this sixth Skit Package, Harvey learns that he cannot “run away” from the love of his father, even when he forgets to lock up the maintenance shed and all of Rufus’ power tools are stolen.  When Harvey returns, he begs his dad’s forgiveness, and Rufus, cancels Harvey’s one thousand-dollar debt for breaking the church’s stained-glass window.  Tina, however, gets jealous because she still has to work off her debt of breaking Harvey’s one hundred-dollar skateboard.  After Bonnie tells them the story of “The Prodigal Son,” Both Tina and Harvey learn to celebrate God’s continual love, just like they enjoy their parents’ love.


  • A cartoon drawing of a SKITuations script - The Wise and Foolish Builders (HS)The Parable of The Wise And Foolish Builders (HS)

    In this seventh Skit Package, Zelda leads Tina and Harvey into making some very bad choices that get them all into serious trouble. When they sneak out of the dentist’s office to get an ice cream cone instead of getting their teeth cleaned, they discover what happens when they make “sandy choices” (selfish, disobedient choices) instead of “rocky choices” (choices that please God).



  • The cover of a SKITuations volume - Vol. 4 Parables of Jesus (HS)Vol. 4 Parables of Jesus (HS) (Complete volume)

    Throughout this volume of six Skit Packages, Jesus’ parables are highlighted, as the real-life situations in the skits mirror the conflicts and settings of the original parable. In the middle of each skit, Rufus reads the parable, directly from the Bible. Each lesson suggests a snack with the “best part in the middle,” like corn-dogs, Twinkies, cup cakes, etc., to help make the point that you have to dig for the “best part” (the lesson) in Jesus’ parables.