FREE Skit Package Sample!
We know that sometimes it is easier to “test” a script or idea first, before choosing. It may also be necessary to show a sample script to your supervisor before launching a new program.
For these reasons, we are happy to provide you with a FREE sample Skit Package. Download it, and pray for God’s leading as you consider using SKITuations. Each SKITuations Skit Package includes:
- A skit script
- Sermon notes
- Directions for skit “freezes”
- “Freeze” discussion ideas
- Skit-related Communion & Offering Thoughts
- 6 skit-related activity ideas:
“Absorb” (scripture memory activity)
“Recall” (review questions)
“Imagine” (coloring page)
“Design” (craft project)
“Apply” (real-life practice challenge)
Click here for a detailed look at the contents of each Skit Package.
In the FREE Christian Script, you receive a complete set of all of the components listed above. The Skit Package we’ve chosen for this free Christian drama script download is the first skit in Volume 2 “Growing Up With God.”
Click on the link below to download the FREE Sample Skit Package to your computer.