• The danger of one-sided submission in marriage relationships is the topic of this "Skermon" (skit/sermon). He battles for a new table saw, while she wants to spend money on a vacation. The pastor interrupts the conflict encouraging mutual submission, beginning with our surrender to God.
  • This “Metaphor Skit” visits Trisha and Bob Bickerson, who exchange the "Crown of Sovereignty" as they bicker about what kind of car to buy. They set up a sermon on "mutual submission" in marriage, making it clear that neither sex has divine permission to dominate.
  • In this "Metaphor Skit," Jeff is trying to run a race, but visitors who offer him drugs, alcohol, dirty magazines and bad company hinder him. Each one leaves a chain, representing a choice to give in to sin, until finally, Jeff drops in discouragement. A sermon on spiritual warfare follows.
  • In this Christian Monologue Skit, a mother shares her hope for her struggling blended family. Patti, comes home to find her blended family in chaos and at war with one another which sets the stage for a sermon on the difficulties in feeling "normal" after re-marriage in a blended family.
  • "Idol worship" is the topic of this "Skermon" (skit/sermon). Worship of pleasure, possessions, and status set the stage for the pastor to present a 3-part sermon; one part after each vignette illustrating 1John 2:16,17: the "lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life."
  • In this Monologue Skit, a daughter remembers her mother's hope of eternal life. Nikki visits the grave of her mother each year on her mother's birthday and reads the promises of Heaven, setting the stage for a sermon on faith in God's promises and the hope of eternal life in Heaven.
  • In this "Rewind Skit" about marriage relationships, Drew gives Nancy what he wants for their anniversary, and Nancy gives Drew what she wants, setting up a sermon on the importance of couples sacrificing some of their own preferences to honor the needs of the spouse.
  • In this "Skermon" (skit/sermon) one young woman tells her friend to "hand" her life over to God. Each finger represents one area: thumb=location; forefinger=purpose; middle finger= occupation; ring finger=a mate; and pinkie=passions. The pastor interrupts half way through as the action freezes.
  • This "Skermon" (skit/sermon) sets the stage for a four-part sermon on parenting, with one part delivered after each short vignette on an aspect of family relationships. God's command to "teach our children" the truths of the Christian life permeate every moment waking moment of our lives.
  • In this "rewind skit" two, not-so-mature, elderly Christians claim "Papa" as a dependent on their taxes, although he has been dead for 20 years, and set up a sermon on sanctification vs. hypocrisy: living with integrity, not professing one thing and living another.
  • Three pleas for healing in the "valley of the shadow of death" are the subjects of these three Christian Drama Monologues. Each one sets the stage for a sermon on trusting God to be our constant companion in the "valleys" of life and not leaning on our own understanding.
  • In this Christian Monologue Skit, a daughter pleads for unconditional love. A mother-daughter relationship is strained when mom finds that Amanda has been hiding an academic probation notice, which sets the stage for a sermon on parent-teen relationship and the secrets to honest communication.


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