• In this Christian Monologue Skit, a mother shares her hope for her struggling blended family. Patti, comes home to find her blended family in chaos and at war with one another which sets the stage for a sermon on the difficulties in feeling "normal" after re-marriage in a blended family.
  • This "Choral Reading" is a particularly effective as a way to present the scripture reading of 1Corinthians 2: 7-12, contrasting the wisdom of God with the wisdom of this world. It is a captivating opening for a sermon on discernment and supernatural living.
  • This “Reader’s Theater” skit is a retelling of the "Parable of the Shrewd Manager," placed in a modern context using five businessmen in an office setting. It sets up a sermon admonishing us to see our end coming, and to use money wisely to the Glory of God.
  • This "dream play" explains the reason for God becoming man in the form of Jesus Christ: to speak His truth to us Himself, and to take the punishment that was intended for us so that we may have fellowship with Him in eternity. In the simple story of a heart-broken little girl, searching for her lost hamsters, we see the "Heart of God."
  • These four skits are on the theme of "The Four Loves That Shape Our Lives": "Eros," that ignites our passions; "Phileo," that urges us to develop like-minded loyalties; "Storge," that cements our family relationships, and God's "Agape" love, that provides the "light and salt" attitudes and behaviors which keep our three earthly relationships from spoiling.
  • This “"Skermon"” (skit/sermon) is a picture of God's compassion, with God speaking from atop a ladder while Abraham and Jonah speak from the floor. In both cases, God shows compassion for the righteous. The pastor narrates from the base of the ladder, then preaches on evangelism.
  • Chris puts greed over integrity and delivers this monologue after failing to wear the Armor of God. Six men shadow him, representing the parts of the Armor of God, setting up a sermon on the power of greed to take over our Christian value system and the importance of wearing the armor of God.
  • In this "Metaphor Skit," Jeff is trying to run a race, but visitors who offer him drugs, alcohol, dirty magazines and bad company hinder him. Each one leaves a chain, representing a choice to give in to sin, until finally, Jeff drops in discouragement. A sermon on spiritual warfare follows.
  • Chris chooses “worldly pleasures” over spiritual integrity and delivers this monologue after failing to wear the Armor of God. Six men shadow him, representing the parts of the Armor of God, setting up a sermon on the power of compromise to take over our Christian value system.
  • This "Christian Mime Theater" skit presents a visual picture of the diversity of spiritual gifts, which God has given to His Church to help us carry out His "Great Commission." It provides an excellent sermon illustration on the equality and the diversity of spiritual gifts.
  • This "Choral Reading" is a particularly effective as a way to present the scripture reading surrounding the rapture of the Church, celebrating hope we have in Christ. It is a captivating opening for a sermon on God's deliverance from the coming tribulations of the end times.
  • This “Reader’s Theater” skit enacts the story of "Jesus and Nicodemus" and presents the wondrous miracle of being "born again" as Jesus describes it. It explores the skeptical reaction that people have to the miracle of salvation.


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