Vol. 3 – Living In Christ – (Electronic)


In 8 ELECTRONIC Skit Packages, the children learn just what it means to live the new life as a Christian in their relationships with brothers and sisters, with parents, with bullies at school, and with their friends. They are relieved to learn that they don’t have to make these changes alone because God has sent the Holy Spirit to be their helper!

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This volume of eight ELECTRONIC Skit Packages explains what it means to live a sanctified life (in the power of the Holy Spirit), one that is committed to holiness and integrity. Use this volume of Christian drama scripts for children to teach about living the victorious Christian life, standing strong for the Lord, and making wise, Christian choices in everyday life.

Skits In This Volume

  • Skit Package 1: “How To Handle Bullies” (2 Samuel 16: 5-13; Matthew 5: 44)

    Harvey has to stick up for the three girls by confronting a bully. They learn that there are ways of handling bullies other than fighting, and that Jesus commanded us to love our enemies as well as our friends.

  • Skit Package 2: “Problems With Parents” (Matthew 7: 1-5)

    Running away from home seems like the only answer for Harvey until Clem finds him and tells him that he was the one who was wrong, not his parents. Careful self-examination of both sides of the argument are stressed as we show that parents aren’t always the “bad guys.” Harvey learns God wants him to respect his parents.

  • Skit Package 3: “Correcting Our Bad Habits” (2 Corinthians 5: 17; Philippians 4: 13)

    Zelda is in her prime as she is “helped” to discover her bad habits. The characters all discover that Christians should be good examples to others, and bad habits can be stopped with God’s help.

  • Skit Package 4: “Problems With Brothers And Sisters” (Gen. 45: 15; Eph. 4: 32; Gal. 5: 16)

    In this skit, Tina makes Harvey “hear bells.” He finds out that treating his sister the way God wants him to is hard and he needs to pray before he acts harshly. We show Harvey’s growth as a Christian evidenced in his treatment of his sister, Tina.

  • Skit Package 5: “Jealousy” (Exodus 20: 17; John 3: 16; Genesis 1: 28-31)

    Tina, Clem, and Harvey all get jealous of each other because they forget what they have. The children will learn that they should be thankful for their own possessions, abilities, and opportunities, before they are tempted to become envious of someone else’s.

  • Skit Package 6: “Dirty Language” (James 3: 8-11; Ephesians 5: 4)

    Harvey learns the damage caused by dirty language or hurtful words as he is forced to confront “Loud-mouth Larry.” The children will learn that Christians should avoid dirty jokes and dirty language, and should try to help others avoid them too.

  • Skit Package 7: “Accepting Responsibilities” (Colossians 3: 23, 24; Philippians 2: 14)

    The characters all help Pastor Rufus as he creates a lesson on accepting responsibilities. The children will learn the necessity of doing those things that are required of them, even if those things aren’t convenient or fun to do.

  • Skit Package 8: “The Wrong Kinds Of Friends” (Proverbs 22: 24, 25; 24: 1, 2; Romans 12: 2)

    The characters are afraid for Tina who becomes a different person after “making some new friends.” They learn that the kinds of friends they choose reflect the kinds of people they are. If a child chooses the wrong kinds of friends, he not only invites bad influences into his life, but he can also damage his Christian witness to others.

Additional information

Skit Packages



Problems With Bullies • Problems With Parents • Correcting Our Bad Habits • Problems With Brothers and Sisters • Jealousy • Dirty Language • Accepting Responsibilities • Wrong Kinds of Friends • Problems With Bullies • Problems With Parents • Correcting Our Bad Habits • Problems With Brothers and Sisters • Jealousy • Dirty Language • Accepting Responsibilities • Wrong Kinds of Friends


Dealing with bullies • controlling anger • praying for your enemies • love your enemies • persecution • fighting • pray for strength • dealing with parents • obeying parents • respecting parents • honoring parents • accepting responsibility for actions • adjusting motives • talking about your feelings • respect • correcting our bad habits • witnessing • being a good example to others • becoming a new creation in Jesus Christ • dealing with your brother or sister • Christian brother • Christian sister • pray for self-control • being good examples • love • anger • relationships • kind • compassionate • gentle • forgiving • patient • patience • recognizing jealousy • handling jealousy • defeating jealousy • problems with jealousy • greed • sacrifice • thankfu


Matthew 5: 44 • Matthew 7: 3 • 2 Corinthians 5: 17 • Ephesians 4: 32 • Colossians 3: 2 • Psalm 19: 14 • Colossians 3: 23 • 1 Corinthians 15: 33


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Fight the “fire” of anger by getting the bully “WET”:, Examine their own motives and actions regarding their parents., Learn how to get the anger “WET, ” but be respectful., Talk about their feelings when they think parents are wrong., Recognize that they represent God in the world., Examine their own lives and write down their bad habits., Ask God for help in correcting their bad habits., Treat their brothers and sisters with Christian love., Get the fire of anger “WET” and ask God for help., Stop, before there is a relationship accident!, Examine their attitudes toward material possessions., Give their wealth gladly because they are rich in Christ., Control their language., Develop a Christ like “heart attitude” to effect their words., See the effects of a mess made by words that has to be cleaned up., See the importance that Jesus places on working hard., Understand that all their chores matter to others., Take their responsibilities seriously., Realize that their friends reflect who they are., Make friends carefully; their Christian witness is at risk., Consider the consequences of making bad choices.