One Body, Many Parts – (Electronic)


This “Christian Mime Theater” skit presents a visual picture of the diversity of spiritual gifts, which God has given to His Church to help us carry out His “Great Commission.” It provides an excellent sermon illustration on the equality and the diversity of spiritual gifts.


This “Christian Mime Theater” skit illustrates the inter-dependence and diversity of the spiritual gifts, expounded upon in 1 Corinthians 12:12-27.

Five sets of characters spread out across the stage, each one representing one of the uses of the gifts of: wisdom, faith, healing, prophesy, or interpretation. This mime skit becomes even more effective if you find people in your congregation who actually manifest these gifts in the body of your own church.

Ask one of your Sunday school teachers to portray the “gift of wisdom and knowledge.” Ask someone who ministers to the emotional and physical hurts of your congregation, like an elder, to portray the “gift of healing.” Ask your youth minister to portray the “gift of prophecy.” Ask someone who has ventured out on a ministry in faith to portray the “gift of faith.” Finally, ask someone who “signs” for the deaf of your congregation to portray the “gift of interpretation.”

As the lights flash on and off during the reading of the scripture, the congregation begins to realize that all of these gifts are inter-dependent on each other, and no one is more important than the next.

This mime skit is a wonderful follow up to the “Christian Mime Theater” skit, “The Importance of All Spiritual Gifts” (script #CMT4); however, this skit stands alone, even if the audience has not seen the previous skit.

“The Importance of All Spiritual Gifts” is a wonderful opener to a sermon series on the gifts of the Holy Spirit; then spend one week on each gift (perhaps interview someone on your church campus who uses this gift), then present this skit as a summary of the series.

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Additional information

Dramatic Category

Christian Mime Theater


1 Corinthians 12:12-27


Diversity of spiritual gifts in the "Body of Christ"


Youth, adult, and family


13 people


9 minutes


A visible picture of the inter-dependence of "The Body of Christ", Presents an accurate look at how "spiritual gifts" operate in real life, Excellent for a sermon on diversity of spiritual gifts, "The Great Commission, " diversity, or equality